Nikita Red Squirrel · @nikita_squirrel
940 followers · 395 posts · Server

@ChateauBrackidh Yes, it's foremost a as @PeterStefanovic points out regularly in his excellent videos. is about right. It's interesting to note that with 2022's bumper inflation, prices are now double what they were in 2001.

All of this was entirely predictable from 's 1954 book . I used this excerpt from the preface in my 2017 GE meme.

#brexit #costofleavingcrisis #hungergames #gordonallport #thenatureofprejudice

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @JJHTweets
The British Pound lost 20.9% of its value globally as a result of the Brexit Frauderendum result. Currently €1.13 per £.

Half our food is imported.

So what you used to be able to buy for £1 now costs £1.21

That's why UK has worse inflation than others.


Last updated 2 years ago

J-Lux352 · @LuxJude352
76 followers · 466 posts · Server

The mental gymnastics one would have to perform to use a foreign war in Ukraine as a way of guilt-tripping nurses into accepting low salaries. He’s unlikely to offer to take a pay cut for himself, wouldn’t that help Putin too?


Nadhim Zahawi tells nurses to "send a very clear message to Mr Putin" by accepting another real-terms pay cut.


#costofleavingcrisis #NadhimZahawi #r4today

Last updated 2 years ago

@fbpe $44Bn is probably not far off what Truss cost us during her disastrous few weeks as prime minister. Please don't listen that "cost of living crisis" dog whistle that the media are blowing. This is the . is delivering perfectly on but the politicians have never been honest about it. Either that or we are led by ignorant fools who ignore the lessons of history and repeat past mistakes.

#costofleavingcrisis #brexit #thenatureofprejudice

Last updated 2 years ago

We're all victims of Tory by degrees and I hope my modification helps put the frame of reference back to where it needs to be to perceive the bigger picture correctly.

#gaslighting #costofleavingcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #costoftoryliescrisis #rejoinoureu #brexitrecession

Last updated 2 years ago

🧵 1/3. What happened in 2Q2016, Conservative Party? + =

#costofleavingcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #torybrexitdisaster

Last updated 2 years ago