Around twice a decade #ElNiño impacts #food production & causes wider #inflationary pressure... so the expectation that this year's El Niño is about to to do the same is not good news for UK #consumers who might have hoped that food price #inflation had peaked & was starting to subside...
While our domestic #food supplies are not likely to be effected significantly by any environmental ripples from El Niño, much of our imported food may be...
So, little relief from the #costsoflivingcrisis!
#elnino #food #inflationary #consumers #Inflation #costsoflivingcrisis
Remembering that the UK has a weak #investment profile, another problem with the BoE's one-policy approach to #inflation during a #costsoflivingcrisis is that savers are pulling money out of their investment instruments to meet the costs of raised #mortgage costs.... so one more compounding aspect of the UK's #productivity problem - they really haven't got any answers have they!
#investment #Inflation #costsoflivingcrisis #mortgage #productivity