If you’re attending #cosyne, come check out Poster II-119 from Hamza Chaudhry, me, Dima Krotov, and @cpehlevan on how modern Hopfield networks with asymmetric Hebbian learning rules can be used to store large sequences of patterns!
How are there no toots about cosyne? #cosyne #cosyne23 #neuroscience
#cosyne #cosyne23 #neuroscience
First ever submission to #cosyne - rejected! It’s actually very nice to see the reviews… but what are these scores out of? Is a higher score good or bad?
(I know, I could probably check the website)
We got rejected from #COSYNE with 7, 6, 3 reviewer scores. I still strongly believe the work was interesting and novel for its community. I don't prefer to keep it for another year, as it stands it's not quite NeurIPS material either. Is bioRxiv+GitHub good option?
We have also asked the conference hotel to set aside some extra rooms for March 7th as part of the #COSYNE block. So, if you are coming to COSYNE and would like to come one day early for this workshop, you can just go ahead and book your hotel room for the 7th on!!!