Heading to New York from #COSYNE2023. Was it more lively on mastodon or on twitter?
We had a great time hearing the #COSYNE2023 highlights #neuroscience #computationalneuro #science @ra2174 credits: @neurolatina
#science #computationalneuro #neuroscience #cosyne2023
The science at #cosyne2023 was superb!
Though honestly, the Reception in Memory of Krishna Shenoy was the most memorable, because at the end of the day...
"It's about people."
Staying on for #COSYNE2023 workshops?
Don't miss the workshop
📌 'Neurodevelopment and Evolution: The Formation of Innate Circuit Priors and Behaviors'
where Peter Latham will talk about 'Understanding Connectivity in Cerebellar-like Networks using the Inductive Bias'.
Staying on for #COSYNE2023 workshops?
Don't miss the workshop
📌 'Neurodevelopment and Evolution: The Formation of Innate Circuit Priors and Behaviors'
where Peter Latham will talk about 'Understanding Connectivity in Cerebellar-like Networks using the Inductive Bias'.
ℹ️ www.cosyne2023neurodev.com
Themes of #cosyne2023 RNNs, representational geometry, and the occasional A/V trouble.
#cosyne2023 rocks! I love that there's no parallel sessions. I love the crowd and the vibe. I am even starting to like the chaos of un-themed poster sessions because there's everything, everywhere.
Also, the liveliness of 20:30-23:30 poster sessions is insane. Definitely some real mad scientist stuff going on.
Wondering what happens in OFC when things get complex? Come check out my poster tomorrow Sat at #cosyne2023 Poster III-067, where I'll present preliminary data from OFC while monkeys play Battleship!
Who's at #cosyne2023 and wants to send back highlights?
Every year has it's trends. Sparse coding, efficient coding, ring attractors, manifolds. What's the thing this year? Any new emerging big ideas?
Or just links to posters you liked?
@Catrina_Hacker @dlevenstein @tyrell_turing @cllantz @chrisXrodgers
Tomorrow (Saturday) at #cosyne2023, @Catrina_Hacker, poster III-098
A role for cortical pattern separation in enhancing visual memory
You may have heard the term 'hippocampal pattern separation' and the idea that it's a good thing for memory? Here we show that it happens in the cortex too, but in a different way. Namely, under conditions in which what an individual is seeing is enriched for a particular type of object (think seeing a dog in a dog park among a lot of other dogs), cortical adaptation leads to pattern separation. It's a form of adaptation-induced efficient coding, predicted by Horace Barlow. And that turns out to be a good thing to do not just for vision, but memory too. Moreover, its existence tells us some important things about how memory does (and does not) work.
If you are at #cosyne2023 and want to find out how V1 constructs 3D receptive fields using self-generated visual motion, stop by the Znamenskiy lab's first ever poster from Yiran He and @ant_blot! Saturday III-134.
#cosyne2023 update!
We will push back the start-time of Saturday night's #hyperboliccosyne #party and do a random drink ticket assignment (rather than first-come-first serve).
So don't rush out of the #poster session on Saturday! The party goes to 2AM, come after posters if you want!
#poster #party #hyperboliccosyne #cosyne2023
If anyone is in Montreal and has time to learn about awesome plant stuff before #cosyne2023 , check out the Concordia University Greenhouse on Maisonneuve and Bishop! They are free to the public and open for tours from 11-5. You will learn some really cool stuff about urban agriculture from the students who run it. And it looks amazing inside!
Getting there is a little adventure. You can find the building on Google. Go to the top floor and follow the signs. Or ask someone :)
Meet @hugoladret at #cosyne2023 !
He will present a soon-to-be-published study entitled
Resilience to sensory uncertainty in the primary visual cortex
In addition to the orientation of visual features, their precision was systematically varied to test the hypothesis that neural activity could represent this value of uncertainty. A decoding approach was used and... I won't say any more, I invite you instead to go to the poster!
🕹️ More info at:
https://www.world-wide.org/cosyne-23/resilience-sensory-uncertainty-primary-88600879/ via
Meet @hugoladret at #cosyne2023 !
He will present a soon-to-be-published study entitled
Resilience to sensory uncertainty in the primary visual cortex
In addition to the orientation of visual features,
their precision was also systematically changed to challenge the hypothesis that neural activity could represent this value of uncertainty. A decoding approach was used and... I do not tell more, I invite you instead to head to that poster!
🕹️ More info at:
https://www.world-wide.org/cosyne-23/resilience-sensory-uncertainty-primary-88600879/ via
Excited to attend #cosyne2023 after a long hiatus! Looking forward for exciting science, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Also, we have a fully founded 3-years postdoctoral position at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. If you are interested please reach out
📢 Folks attending #COSYNE2023: Meet me in-person during Session-2 (Friday, 10 March, at 9.45 AM) at Place du Canada & Av Laurier where I am giving a talk addressing if and how body movements of an organism modulate sensory processing in early visual cortical regions of macaques 1/2