#Subway franchisee John Michale Meza, Jessica Meza, and associate Hamza Ayesh failed to pay employees on time, bounced paychecks, illegally withheld tips, denied bathroom breaks, and forced workers as young as 15 to work alone at three restaurants in #Petaluma and one each in #SantaRosa, #Windsor and #Cotati.
#WageTheft #ChildLabor
#subway #petaluma #santarosa #windsor #cotati #wagetheft #childlabor
Power is out for over 5,300 PG&E customers. PG&E cites the weather as the cause. There is no estimated time of power restoration. Outage status can be tracked here: https://pgealerts.alerts.pge.com/outagecenter/
#cawx #sonomacounty #cotati #rohnertpark #penngrove
Currently in #Indiana, so totally miss the entire #westcoast grew up in the #bayarea ( #SanFrancisco , #Cotati , #RohnertPark , #SSF , #MillValley , #SanAnselmo , back to San Francisco , then #VancouverWA and #PortlandOR) how I ended up in #AvonIN is a whole nother story for another day 😉
#indiana #westcoast #bayarea #sanfrancisco #cotati #rohnertpark #ssf #millvalley #sananselmo #vancouverwa #portlandor #avonin