I’m always intrigued by how Universities are responding to #CyberEssentials with #cots for Mobile Device Mansgement (#MDM) that target #macos and #Windows. #linux seams to be never supported, or one is told ‘#WindowsSubsystemLinux is suitable, or _just_ use a virtual machine’.
Yet I never seem to see discussions/information with how MDM System will impact on #researcher productivity, especially in the #sciences where #programming & #experimentation & #development is prudent.
#cyberessentials #cots #mdm #macos #windows #linux #windowssubsystemlinux #researcher #sciences #programming #experimentation #development
@heiseonline ist oft eher ne #Kostenfrage, weil #COTS - #Analogsticks und Pads sind billiger als teures Spezialequipment!
Sollten nur halt Ersatz mitführen..
#analogsticks #cots #kostenfrage
@dalias @unlimitedbacon @SamTornado I'm shure a crude #3Dprinter would've been possible using #COTS parts like a stepper motor from a #Floppy drive...
It would certainly result in far more "coarse" builds that are less precise and intricate.
Basically a computer-controlled hot glue gun...
Natural predator found for coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish
Someone in my Mastodon feed recently asked, if it's alright to edit photos they take before publishing them? Forgive me for not finding that toot to reply to, but, as a hobbyist photographer myself, I feel compelled to respond regardless;
The TL;DR answer (applies to most cases): Absolutely!
The longer answer is, that unless you're trying to demo, review or give opinion of your photographic equipment or editing software, or you're pressed for time and you absolutely have to publish as soon as possible, then it's IMHO basic courtesy towards your readership to at least edit for:
intended #composition (orientation, aspect ratio & cropping, straightening, perspective correction,...),
#clarity (correcting unwanted lens aberrations, adjusting contrast, levels, sharpness, noise reduction,...) and
#colour (white balance, saturation, hue, tint, vibrance,...).
How to apply these will depend on the purpose of your photo. If you want to document a scene, keep to minimal editing that will try to match what you saw with your own eyes when taking the photo. And if you want to be artistic and experiment with creative photography, then anything goes (but be bold about it!).
And once you're happy with those adjustments, also don't forget to consider its dimensions and file size (resolution, compression, file format,...) before uploading it. There's no point in uploading, say, a 24 Mpix image (common sensor size with #COTS #ILC cameras) to a website that will only ever display it at up to #FullHD resolution. It will also render better since it won't go through website's or web browser's rescaler and there's less chance people will "appropriate" your work for their own use without attribution.
There's a lot of software out there, many of them completely free, that can do all of this more or less acceptably with a single click, then, if you have the time and know-how, you can fiddle with intended look from there onward.
If you regularly publish photos, you MUST do at least these things described above. Anything else is lazy, sloppy, or careless!
#composition #clarity #colour #cots #ILC #fullhd #photography #retouching #opinion
@ThatPrilla @blangry absolutely! This talk is def broaching the subject of #cots in #GovTech / #CivicTech which is... Not a collaborative ecosystem
Been going NPC crazy. Another updated NPC group shot. Every NPC in the game so far, each with own dialogue tree & daily schedules.
#rpg #crpg #adventure #intro #pixelart #ultima #pixel #NPCs #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #savage #work #ancient #bones #NPC
#npc #bones #ancient #work #savage #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #npcs #pixel #ultima #pixelart #intro #adventure #crpg #rpg
A sampler of new releases from #Bandcamp , is always worth a listen. But the latest broadcast is stupendous. #Miami based #MarcusStrickland, #Cots, #WendellHarrison, and other #Jazz, #Brazilian, #Afrobeat, #HipHop.
#bandcamp #miami #marcusstrickland #cots #wendellharrison #jazz #brazilian #afrobeat #hiphop #music
#rpg #crpg #adventure #intro #pixelart #ultima #pixel #NPCs #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #savage #harlot #book #makeup #religion #church
#church #religion #makeup #book #harlot #savage #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #npcs #pixel #ultima #pixelart #intro #adventure #crpg #rpg
Some handy tips for the ladies from the Church of Leysar.
#rpg #crpg #adventure #intro #pixelart #ultima #pixel #NPCs #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #savage #harlot #book #makeup #religion #church
#church #religion #makeup #book #harlot #savage #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #npcs #pixel #ultima #pixelart #intro #adventure #crpg #rpg
An updated screenshot of all the current human NPCs in the game.
All with their own portrait, unique dialogue tree and daily schedules... It's been a lot of god damn work.
#rpg #crpg #adventure #intro #pixelart #ultima #pixel #NPCs #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #savage #work #ancient #bones #NPC
#npc #bones #ancient #work #savage #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #npcs #pixel #ultima #pixelart #intro #adventure #crpg #rpg
#ThoughtsOnPhotography #StateOfTheArt Why aren't we seeing more #3CCD or vertically stacked sensor (like e.g. #Foveon) in #COTS cameras? Is it simply cost-prohibiting (BoM, R&D,...), ruling out their use in commercial off-the-shelf space, or is there more to it than meets the eye (pardon the pun)? I'm asking because I'm #MindBlown each time I think about the light available and light actually used with the now prevalent #Bayer filter (or similar) #CMOS or #CCD sensors, and how much that affects resolution, noise and dynamic range in photos I take as the #photosite density approaches diffraction limit.
#thoughtsonphotography #stateoftheart #3ccd #foveon #cots #mindblown #bayer #cmos #ccd #photosite
The world of CoTS is full of books for the player to find and read.
#rpg #crpg #adventure #blood #bloody #ultima #pixelart #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #fight #tileset #books #explore #read
#read #explore #books #tileset #fight #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #pixelart #ultima #bloody #blood #adventure #crpg #rpg
Looking for recommendations on #camping #cots or an inflate #bed or #mattress that is tall / close to standard bed height for someone who has challenges with rising from a lower-than-sitting position. Preferably something that wouldn't topple if leaned on heavily and affordable.
#camping #cots #bed #mattress #disability #outdoors #mobility #campingequipment #askfedi
Bone skitters are a constant threat
#rpg #crpg #adventure #blood #bloody #ultima #pixelart #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #fight #tileset #desert #death #combat
#combat #death #desert #tileset #fight #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #pixelart #ultima #bloody #blood #adventure #crpg #rpg
Hey, did you know that the Orion module on ARTEMIS I is using (modified) commercial, off-the-shelf cameras? And that those gorgeous exterior shots are being made with GoPros?
Here's an engineering presentation (PDF) from 2017 by Steve Bailey of Deep Space Systems, going into the cameras and what was needed to adapt them.
#nasa #artemis #imaging #cameras #Space #cots #gopro
A gruesome discovery...
#rpg #crpg #adventure #blood #bloody #ultima #pixelart #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #fight #tileset #mystery #death #suicide
#suicide #death #mystery #tileset #fight #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #pixelart #ultima #bloody #blood #adventure #crpg #rpg
Some pixel art from the Ancient city
#rpg #crpg #adventure #intro #pixelart #ultima #pixel #shadows #night #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #savage #ruins #ancient #gem #jewel
#jewel #gem #ancient #ruins #savage #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #night #shadows #pixel #ultima #pixelart #intro #adventure #crpg #rpg
Some pixel art form the ancient city
#rpg #crpg #adventure #intro #pixelart #ultima #pixel #shadows #night #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #savage #ruins #ancient #gem #jewel
#jewel #gem #ancient #ruins #savage #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #night #shadows #pixel #ultima #pixelart #intro #adventure #crpg #rpg
Some pixelart from the ancient city.
#rpg #crpg #adventure #intro #pixelart #ultima #pixel #shadows #night #indiedev #game #gamedev #sprites #gameart #cots #savage #ruins #ancient #gem #jewel
#jewel #gem #ancient #ruins #savage #cots #gameart #sprites #gamedev #game #indiedev #night #shadows #pixel #ultima #pixelart #intro #adventure #crpg #rpg