#ClarenceWool, 11 years. Spinner in North Normal i.e., Pownal? #CottonMill. Worked only during vacation. #EdwardF.Brown. Location: #NorthPownal, #Vermont.
#clarencewool #cottonmill #edwardf #northpownal #vermont #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Boy on left is #ArthurPugh. Said he made bands 25 cents a day) in #Starkville, #Miss.) #CottonMill. Boy on right worked some time ago. Location: #Starkville, Mississippi.
#arthurpugh #starkville #miss #cottonmill #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Hughes children. All except two smallest work and help in #Magnolia, #Miss.) #CottonMill. Oldest is fifteen, next is fourteen, next eleven, next ten. "We like the work #first rate." #Location:Magnolia, Mississippi.
#hughes #magnolia #miss #cottonmill #first #location #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Dependent parent. #HendersonFamily, 52 #LakewoodSt.Two girls on left hand and another older girl work in #LynchburgVa.) #CottonMill. Father does not work. Location: #Lynchburg, #Virginia.
#hendersonfamily #lakewoodst #lynchburgva #cottonmill #lynchburg #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Some of the doffers at #theSalisbury #N.C.) #CottonMill, October 18th, 1912. The average age of the children here is rather high, but there are some youngsters. Location: #Salisbury, #NorthCarolina
#thesalisbury #n #cottonmill #salisbury #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Noon Hour. Workers in #Enterprize sic? #CottonMill, #Augusta, #Ga. The wheels are kept running through noon hour which is only 40 minutes) so employees may be tempted to put in part of this time at machine if they wish. Location: #Augusta, #Georgia.
#enterprize #cottonmill #augusta #ga #georgia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Noon Hour. Workers in #Enterprize sic? #CottonMill, #Augusta, #Ga. The wheels are kept running through noon hour which is only 40 minutes) so employees may be tempted to put in part of this time at machine if they wish. Location: #Augusta, #Georgia.
#enterprize #cottonmill #augusta #ga #georgia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Drawer - in #CottonMill.
#cottonmill #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Noon Hour in an #Indianapolis #CottonMill, Aug. 1908. Wit. #E.N.Clopper. Location: #Indianapolis, #Indiana.
#indianapolis #cottonmill #e #indiana #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Salisbury, #N.C.) #CottonMill. A game of marbles. All these boys work in the mill. Location: #Salisbury, #NorthCarolina
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#salisbury #n #cottonmill #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor