My Tara Top is complete! It's been a fun knit. I've been wearing it and it feels comfortable. I'm washing it in the machine with no dramas which is wonderful!
#knitting #knit #lovetoknit #knittedsweater #cottonyarn #summertop #taratop
#taratop #summertop #cottonyarn #knittedsweater #lovetoknit #knit #knitting
@knitting finished the crop top for my niece!..
#knitting #croptop #babycotton #cottonyarn #blouse
#blouse #cottonyarn #babycotton #croptop #knitting
The blocking has begun!
#crochet #cottonyarn #hexies #hexagons #writerswhpcrochet #iloveyarn
#crochet #cottonyarn #hexies #hexagons #writerswhpcrochet #iloveyarn
A list of up-to-date cotton yarn industry statistics. Discover everything about the cotton yarn industry - essential info, figures, data, insights & more! - - #cotton #cottonyarn #statistics
#statistics #cottonyarn #cotton
I think I'm finally getting a handle on the rice stitch in knitting. Only took 3-4 days for my hands to do what my brain wanted!
Maybe I can get decent at this knitting thing after all.
#knitting #beginner #cottonyarn #ricestitch
Got my warp prepped with some help! Hoping to get it on my wee loom this week.
#CottonYarn #warp #weaving #craft #MakeShit #MakersGonnaMake #GayAgenda
#cottonyarn #warp #weaving #craft #makeshit #makersgonnamake #GayAgenda