The ‘Howl’ now firmly giving the ‘Woo’ a run for it’s money in ‘the most annoying thing Trey tries to make the fans do’ category. #phish #deepthoughts #stoneytakes Can lower the volume way down at home. Another win for #couchtour 😁
#phish #deepthoughts #stoneytakes #couchtour
Fresh pico de gallo, with lime, tomato and chili from the garden taboot. The satisfaction. #growyourown #tritipburritos #couchtour
#growyourown #tritipburritos #couchtour
Woohoo had a great week at the business factory 👩💼 Ready to rage some #Phish #CouchTour tonight 👽✨💃🏻 Have a great show, everybody!
Stoney with y’all at the Garden, in spirit. #phish #couchtour #cuzitfeelsgood
#phish #couchtour #cuzitfeelsgood
Superb back-to-back jams to kick off this MSG run. I must see #phish in that room! #bucketlist #couchtour
Last can. Pairs well with a #phish stream.
#phish #craftbeer #craftcans #properglassware #couchtour
#DeadandCompany Colorado night 3 is sounding really good on the free segment!!
Have a great night 2whether you're dancing there or are on #couchtour !
Happy Friday.
Watching moe.’s opening set from Red Rocks. Nice sit in from Jake on “Happy Hour Hero”; great song for him. And the jam out was well done as moe. slid into “Seat Of My Pants.”
And it appears the rain may have stopped? ::fingers crossed::
#umphreys #moe #RedRocks #couchtour #nugs
we acknowledge the #Reddit moderator/developer strike & note there is no replacement for the #LiveMusic #CouchTour community on a #SetlistThread!
#reddit #livemusic #couchtour #setlistthread #kgatlw #subreddit #redditblackout
Happy #Caturday
Stella apparently is not happy about #couchtour season 😂 She got made at me for dancing to China Cat Sunflower from #BartonHall #Cornell23 #CrazyCatPeaking
#caturday #couchtour #bartonhall #cornell23 #crazycatpeaking
wife and i feeling for the honkers who chose the wrong night in seattle to eat their doses. #goose #couchtour
A decade ago I could rock west coast #Phish #CouchTour all the way past encore and still get up and make 8am ET meetings the next day. Now I'm asleep before lights lol. Have fun, fam 💚
Am I watching the Blaze On->Plasma->Blaze again? Yes. Yes I am. #phish #couchtour
With #Phish tour starting today, it's hard not to think back. 1st day of tour is better than it used to be if you can't be there.
Gone are the days of buying Maxell-II tapes that would stay blank at least 4-6 weeks.
Gone also are the days when Mr Miner shared his (usually) best take, and uploaded a show within hours of encore. That was my favorite podcast.
It's crazy to think that now we have 4k #couchtour and soundboards on demand. Still, I love Relisten.
Hope this tour is amazing!!