"Imprisoning people on Bibby Stockholm will not improve your life in any way. If anything, life will get worse because when you give the government the green light to be cruel to others, you give them the green light to be cruel to you." https://councilestatemedia.substack.com/p/the-government-is-putting-refugees?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email #BibbyStockholm #PrisonShip #PrisonBarge #ToryPolicy #ToryScum #LabourScum #EstablishmentScum #RefugeesWelcome #RefugeesAreWelcomeHere #Solidarity #SolidarityWithRefugees #CouncilEstateMedia
#bibbystockholm #prisonship #prisonbarge #torypolicy #toryscum #labourscum #establishmentscum #refugeeswelcome #refugeesarewelcomehere #solidarity #solidaritywithrefugees #councilestatemedia
Council Estate Media
Memo to Sir Keir Starmer: You are not representing us
Our children deserve better than what you're offering
f you asked Labour members the following question, what do you think their answer would be?:
Do you think Labour should be more like the Tories or less like the Tories?
I think think we all know the answer.
#CouncilEstateMedia #KeirStarmer #LabourRightWingCoup #LabourFiles #Labour
#labour #labourfiles #labourrightwingcoup #keirstarmer #councilestatemedia
Council Estate Media
Labour astonishes science by cloning Wes Streeting
This is the breakthrough no one wanted
Labour is proud to announce an exciting breakthrough after successfully cloning its latest MP from Wes Streeting’s toe nail clippings and naming him “Keir” to boost his working class credentials. Don’t you hate it when they do that?
#councilestatemedia #labourfiles #labourrightwingcoup
#CouncilEstateMedia | Who the hell put #TonyBlair back in charge of #Labour?
#starmer #labour #tonyblair #councilestatemedia
Council Estate Media
Corporations are more powerful and sinister than you realise
What you are about to read will horrify you
I, like many, had naively assumed foreign aid was a good thing, helping to improve the lives of people in developing countries. I had no idea how much “aid” was going to corporations and wasted on ridiculous projects like gated communities for the rich.
#environment #mining #councilestatemedia #corporategreed
The migrant children disappearances prove one thing:
Our government is undeniably evil.
(excellent article from Council Estate Media)
#ToryRacists #ToryBigots #MissingMigrantChildren #CouncilEstateMedia #Braverman
#toryracists #torybigots #missingmigrantchildren #councilestatemedia #braverman
The government has declared class warfare.
Workers have no choice but to fight back.
(excellent article from Council Estate Media)
#ClassWar #ToryThreat #UKPolitics #PayGap #unions #AttackOnUnions
#classwar #torythreat #ukpolitics #paygap #unions #attackonunions #councilestatemedia
The migrant children disappearances prove one thing:
Our government is undeniably evil.
(excellent article from Council Estate Media)
#ToryRacists #ToryBigots #MissingMigrantChildren #CouncilEstateMedia #Braverman
#toryracists #torybigots #missingmigrantchildren #councilestatemedia #braverman