You might've noticed that I have spammed you all with my #CountdownToEvilDeadRise so... this week's #LetterboxdFriday and #lastfourwatched can't be much of a surprise to anyone.
And tonight I finally get to see Evil Dead Rise. I can't wait. The countdown is over.
#countdowntoevildeadrise #LetterboxdFriday #lastfourwatched #evildead #evildeadrise #cinemastodon #thethreestooges
The last film in my #CountdownToEvilDeadRise and my jaw hurts after watching it.
Evil Dead (2013) is... EVIL. And I love it - even though most of the side characters are somewhat bland behind the fantastic Jane Levy.
Evil Dead Rise better not suck tomorrow.
#EvilDead #Cinemastodon #EvilDeadRise #TheThreeStooges #Letterboxd
#countdowntoevildeadrise #evildead #cinemastodon #evildeadrise #thethreestooges #Letterboxd
The countdown to Evil Dead Rise keeps continuing!
The Evil Dead is gory.
Evil Dead 2 is groovy.
Army of Darkness is flat out goofy.
Can't wait to rewatch the remake tomorrow, that one is... gnarly.
#CountdownToEvilDeadRise #EvilDead3 #ArmyofDarkness #EvilDead #Cinemastodon #TheThreeStooges #Letterboxd
#countdowntoevildeadrise #evildead3 #armyofdarkness #evildead #cinemastodon #thethreestooges #Letterboxd
I got my tickets to Evil Dead Rise on April 21 and the countdown to that gorious day continues.
Evil Dead 2 made me want to become a filmmaker (see my Letterboxd "review" for that old story) and it feels so surreal that I got to contribute to Evil Dead Rise. Friday can't come soon enough, the excitement is swallowing my soul!
#CountdownToEvilDeadRise #EvilDead2 #EvilDead #Cinemastodon #TheThreeStooges #Letterboxd
#countdowntoevildeadrise #evildead2 #evildead #cinemastodon #thethreestooges #Letterboxd
I got my tickets to Evil Dead Rise on April 21 and the countdown to that gorious day have started.
There haven't been a film franchise that meant as much to me as this one and I can't believe I got to contribute just a tiny little bit on the new one.
#CountdownToEvilDeadRise #TheEvilDead #EvilDead #Cinemastodon #TheThreeStooges #Letterboxd
#countdowntoevildeadrise #theevildead #evildead #cinemastodon #thethreestooges #Letterboxd