I’m still watching the #countdowntotheoscars #oscars23
Me, 81 year old movie star and film fan. My preference is #AustinButler for #Elvis
Care Blanchette❤️🔥 NicolleKidman❤️🔥 #AustinButlerOscar
#countdowntotheoscars #oscars23 #austinbutler #elvis #oscarwinnerpredictions #austinbutleroscar
#HughGrant's baffled looking "YTF are you asking _me_ these inane things?" wins the whole #CountdownToTheOscars interview hoopla.
Otherwise, commentary here calling perfectly decent looking hair on someone young & there the first time "contemptuously undone hair" reminds me of why I dislike people getting judgemental about looks and these things. Sigh.
#hughgrant #countdowntotheoscars #oscars