The West literally sent 17,000 extremists, racists, criminals or nazis there to die.

Then when Russia mounts the expected and necessary they cry about it.

#counterInsurgency #canada #nato #exportingExtremists #producingRefugees #refugeeProducer

Last updated 3 years ago

If it weren't for Russia's they'd still be name-dropping .

Thankyou .

Fighting , purging global grift, and solving and climate goals all at once.

The planet owes you.

#counterInsurgency #ethereumScamTokens #russia #naziBattalions #peakoil

Last updated 3 years ago

Approx 500,000 have moved to Russia.

We just shared an article from October, just 4 months before the . Canada weren't happy to learn that they were training there apparently, and in USA, UK, Germany.

So 1938.


#counterInsurgency #so1938

Last updated 3 years ago

Could we develop an app that depends on phone chips not being biased in how they produce ? Ie. If there is a bias then the app might not work well, thus forcing in the to expose any problems in an open and transparent manner?

We are not experts in but it seems like a worthy thing to attempt.

#opensource #contractTracing #randomNumbers #whistleblowers #secuityState #cryptography #appdevelopment #fdroid #newApp #coronavirus #counterInsurgency #digitalRight #digitalfreedom

Last updated 5 years ago