Out in the garden under blue skies. #Tomatoes #Courgettes amongst the #Borage. #Cottage #Garden #Vegetables #Nottinghamshire #September
#september #nottinghamshire #vegetables #garden #cottage #borage #courgettes #tomatoes
Garden update!
Looks like the tomatoes slowly want to change colour …. Courgettes doing fine 🤗
There’s a romanesco cabbage showing the top of its head, and the wild strawberries are giving us a 2nd round 🤗
Except the strawberries they’re all first time experiments in pots , so I’m quite happy 👍🤗
#garden #tomatoes #courgettes
Produce from the greenhouse to be roasted and frozen.
#Gardening #Greenhouse #Garden #Onions #Courgettes #Tomatoes #GrowYourOwn #VeggieGrowing #Harvest
#gardening #greenhouse #garden #onions #courgettes #tomatoes #growyourown #veggieGrowing #harvest
#miam #recette #courgettes #haricots #tomates
- pendant que les pâtes cuisent, préparer le #pistou
• hacher l'ail, le basilic et la pulpe de tomate
• ajouter 1/2 verre d'huile d'olive, du fromage râpé, et une louche du bouillon de légumes, mélanger.
• transvaser dans le faitout et remuer.
Servir avec fromage râpé à volonté.
(recette héritée des cousins de Marseille avec une touche franc-comtoise 😁)
#miam #recette #courgettes #haricots #tomates #pistou #comte
#miam #recette #courgettes #haricots #tomates
- La veille, faire tremper les haricots secs.
- Le jour-même,
• détailler les courgettes, tomates épépinées, pommes de terre et haricots verts.
• transvaser les légumes dans un faitout ou une cocotte, couvrir largement d'eau salée, porter à ébullition et cuire à feu doux pendant une bonne heure.
• au bout de ce temps, ajouter les grosses pâtes et prolonger la cuisson.
(garder l'oignon pour une autre recette 😁)
La suite dans une bonne heure... ⏳
#miam #recette #courgettes #haricots #tomates
A thousand words today
That's better. I completed a chapter & with the 600 words I did yesterday, I feel as if I'm getting back up to speed after a few days off the pace
It was raining this afternoon!
(We went to the allotment this morning before the rain came and harvested a whole heap of courgettes and beans, Dwarf and Climbing French beans and Runner beans. I suppose I should be processing beans!)
#EG2 #novelx4
#amWritingFiction #WritingCommunity
#beans #courgettes #allotment #rain
#eg2 #novelx4 #amwritingfiction #writingcommunity #beans #courgettes #allotment #rain
#miam #recette #courgettes
En images, la garniture de la galette de courgettes façon pizza de @Gilins3.
Elle a eu beaucoup de succès ! 😋👌🏻
Recette de la galette de courgettes :
Yellow zucchini & lemon squash growing 👩🌾
#GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #WhatsInMyGarden #FoodGarden #FoodSecurity #GrowFoodNotLawns #Vegetables #GrowItEatIt #FeedYourFamily #AsianMastodon #zone8 #FoodPlants #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #permaculture #GrowingYourOwnFood #GrownFromSeed #gardening #courgettes #squashes #gourds
#gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #whatsinmygarden #foodgarden #foodsecurity #growfoodnotlawns #vegetables #growiteatit #feedyourfamily #asianmastodon #zone8 #foodplants #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #permaculture #growingyourownfood #grownfromseed #gardening #courgettes #squashes #gourds
The biggest question asked on my gardening website at the minute - why have my courgettes only got male flowers? Here's why... https://www.mandycanudigit.com/2020/07/27/why-have-my-courgettes-only-got-male-flowers/
#gardening #gardens #courgette #courgettes #gyo #growyourown #vegetables #veg #veggies #bloomscrolling #allotments
#gardening #gardens #courgette #courgettes #gyo #growyourown #vegetables #veg #veggies #bloomscrolling #allotments
Gâteau #chocolat #courgettes
200 g de chocolat noir
3 œufs
100 g de sucre en poudre
1 courgette de 200 g
70 g de farine
1/2 sachet de levure chimique
1 pincée de sel
Préchauffez le four à 180°C.
Faites fondre le chocolat.
Dans un récipient, blanchir œufs et sucre.
Râpez finement la courgette, bien l'égoutter. Ajoutez-la à la préparation.
Versez le chocolat fondu dans le mélange, puis ajoutez la farine, la levure et le sel. Versez dans un moule. Cuire (conservation = frigo) poke @YannOrpheus
Mes premières courgeeeeettes ! 😍
#Courgettes #Potager #LegumesDuJardin #LautosuffisanceAlimentaireEstPourBientot
#courgettes #potager #LegumesDuJardin #LautosuffisanceAlimentaireEstPourBientot
@DavidPB @BroadforkForVictory Grilled slices of #courgettes (oven or BBQ, approx. 1 cm), pickled in balsamic vinegar, seasoned with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, stored in jars with olive oil keep for weeks in the fridge - at least theoretically. Practically, they disappear much faster.
I usually do a 3-baking-tray-juggle for a few hours. That makes a noticeable dent into the glut of courgettes (or even smal marrows). They reduce to a few - precious - jars.
Alongside all the reading, I've been doing some #GrowYourOwn in the back garden.
As well as our usual #KelvedonWonder #peas and #GoldRush #courgettes, we're trying #tomatoes (#SweetMillion and #BlackCherry varieties) and #PakChoi this year. Plus #RainbowChard and #mizuna
#growyourown #kelvedonwonder #peas #goldrush #courgettes #tomatoes #sweetmillion #blackcherry #pakchoi #rainbowchard #mizuna
For our dinner tonight I have prepared a Carlin pea casserole. This is my own recipe and is dead easy to do. I use dried peas, as they are cheaper than buying tins. This is healthy, delicious and fairly cheap to make. I am also preparing a bulgur wheat dish to go with it, a side salad plus sauerkraut and kimchi. #vegan #vegetarian #casserole #courgettes #recipe
#vegan #vegetarian #casserole #courgettes #recipe
I was tidying the pantry when I had a little trill of excitement. I found my seed envelopes. It will soon be time to plant the tomato seeds. 🍅 🧚🏼♂️ #Springtime #Tomatoes #Wildflowers #Courgettes
#courgettes #wildflowers #tomatoes #springtime
@Sofaflyer snow has only compacted here since it fell overnight Into Mon, although heading into a Sheffield it has disappeared. It has been a challenging #VegGrowing year: my best #Aubergine crops ever; good #Tomatoes; fewer #Courgettes and totally overwhelmed (+ our neighbours 😉) by #Apples. If you’re an #agathachristie fan try the #LicyWorsley BBC4 series
#Veggrowing #aubergine #tomatoes #courgettes #apples #agathachristie #LicyWorsley
Some photos from the veggie garden/allotment taken last weekend. Things are growing nicely. We put stuff in late this year because of the weird and wild weather, but the beans and tomatoes have done extremely well. Even the courgettes that were transplanted only a couple weeks back are doing okay. Fingers crossed for a good harvest this year! #VeggieGarden #Allotment #GrowYourOwnFood #Veggies #Tomatoes #Courgettes #Beans #CommunityGarden
#veggiegarden #Allotment #growyourownfood #veggies #tomatoes #courgettes #beans #communitygarden
I have a tray in my fridge full of #courgettes. They’ll be a good addition to my lovely #tomatoes. Trying to eat more #vegetarian #meals. Made some lovely #potato #rosti with #courgettes and #carrots the other day. They were served with #sourcream and were delicious. Let me know if you have any nice recipes.
#sourcream #Carrots #rosti #potato #meals #vegetarian #tomatoes #courgettes