🧵 👆🏼
But most importantly, the fact that they F.ed up and didn't come up with any solution to keep their certificate valid shows that #Coursera is utterly unreliable. It companies are purchasing courses from Coursera, they should know that they are walking on a thin sheet of ice with no planB.
Don't waste your money on Coursera or similar platforms if they cannot guarantee the authenticity and validity of their certificate for at least a decade!
For long I though #Coursera is a good platform, but few days back I realized that the link to my certificate (which Coursera auto-injected in my LinkedIn) does not work. After some back and forth with their help center, it got clear that in 2016 they had a big F.up, or as as they put it "by mid-2016, the Coursera Platform migrated to a new one and some of the courses taken before that date are no longer available in the catalog, for that reason, your link may not be useful."
🧵 👇🏼
This morning, we had the pleasure of listening to Jimmy Lee, in his invited talk about "A Tale of Two Cities: Teaching CP with Story-Telling". He explained to us the success story behind the creation of his MOOC on Coursera!
#cp2023conf #constraintprogramming #mooc #teaching #learning #coursera
Bei all diesen Online-Kurs-Angeboten nervt mich am Meisten, dass ich immer erst alles eingeben muss, mich anmelden muss um dann den Preis zu sehen.
And btw... Ein Jahresabo für 140€ wegen einem Kurs? F-U DataCamp
During my travels, I always follow a lot of courses on #Coursera and #Domestika
Currently, I am enjoying a course called "The Visual Poetry Diary", taught by Lina Botero. And trying to do the exercises on "automatic writing" in the languages that currently surround me... 😅
Please correct my mistakes @languagelovers
#languages #languagelearning #latvian #lithuanian #russian #creativewriting #poetry #freewriting #automaticwriting
#coursera #Domestika #languages #languagelearning #latvian #lithuanian #russian #creativewriting #poetry #freewriting #automaticwriting
Хачу падзяліцца, што гэтыя твіты былі створаны з дапамогай Sage, мадэлем штучнага інтэлекту, распрацаваным кампаніяй OpenAI для апрацоўкі мовы.
Я буду дзякавальны за любыя каментары і папраўкі памылак, каб зрабіць іх якаснейшымі.
I just finished "Quantitative Methods", an online course authorized by University of Amsterdam and offered through #Coursera:
👨🎓 https://coursera.org/share/065af1b1e8e68fd0c49f9ce657b21d37
But recently, I know that the way to a bella donna's heart is through quality methods https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2023.101255, so I immediately signed up for the next course https://www.coursera.org/learn/qualitative-methods/ 😉
Once again thinking about what to do with my life and looking at #Coursera. I don't know if I should go back to try and complete the #Google #IT cert (I finished the 1st of 5 courses but got stuck in #networking) or try something new like #DataScience or #RenewableEnergy.
#renewableenergy #datascience #networking #it #google #coursera
Retornado ao estudo do mandarim no #coursera !
Meta: A0 -> A1
#langtoot #languagelearning #chinese #mandarin
#mandarin #chinese #languagelearning #langtoot #coursera
I'm very slowly getting through the #Audiobook version of "The Half Has Never Been Told" (Baptist).
Friday was a bit rough on my mood and brain, though, so I've mostly been bingeing the HorrorBabble #podcast. There've been 2 or 3 Lovecraft stories. They don't do much for me; I mainly try to get through them to understand all the references made to his work.
I've been taking a #YadVashem course on #antisemitism on #Coursera and may be able to finish that today.
#audiobook #podcast #yadvashem #antisemitism #coursera
This is exactly what has been slowly rising in my awareness -- both for AI and for Linux in general. I'm at a very low level of Linux server administrator skill, yet even the experts can't make this stuff work right half the time. Every single solution to a programming problem has 10 answers -- all of which worked for someone -- of which only 2 to 4 will work on YOUR given server, if at all.
How does the business world even function on these platforms??
@quigs #ML #MachineLearning #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #Education #Coursera
#ml #machinelearning #ai #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #education #coursera
Great to be with my colleagues from many different #highereducation institutions this week #Coursera
This week getting to be at the live broadcast for #Coursera Conference 23 https://web.cvent.com/event/2c134aff-f3ae-4625-8661-c534319f7835/websitePage:df98f39b-2678-4fba-a875-d3a300d19e84
RT @dukeresearch
A decade after Duke joined #Coursera to explore free online learning, Len White's "Medical #Neuroscience" has fans around the world. https://today.duke.edu/2023/03/decade-global-reach-len-whites-backyard
The most ill-conceived concept of #Coursera is having peer-review assignments. Can't submit my assignment without forking over more money, therefore can't get my assignments reviewed = no certificate. I could care less about certification really, but they really need to fix this!
Just a quick reminder!
In California, the Los Angeles Public Library allows you to get a library card even outside of LA, as long as you live in California.
With your, #LAPL account you have access to a lot of program including free #LinkedinLearning and #Coursera.
Other Public libraries probably offer the same.
#lapl #linkedinlearning #coursera
Starting a new #Coursera course tomorrow: #Excel Power Tools for Data Analysis.
#PowerQuery #PowerPivot #PowerBI
#coursera #excel #powerquery #powerpivot #powerbi
I'm taking a Machine Learning course as part of a continuing education program at work, and it's a bit frustrating that even the instructor says "this should work" or "we don't know why [it works]".
This instructor was the co-founder of Google Brain and was the director of the Stanford AI lab... They are an expert and yet just as clueless at times as the rest of us. 🤨
#ML #MachineLearning #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #Education #Coursera
#ml #machinelearning #ai #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #education #coursera