#Twitter is burning down. #Mastodon is great but seems geared toward friendly water-cooler conversations. So I am starting a #Substack newsletter:
The goal is to replace weekly-to-monthly tweets by weekly-to-monthly posts. In these posts, I will continue sharing new #courseware and #software. I will also continue sharing updates about the state of the US #LaborMarket, and about my #research.
More details on the project in this first post:
#Twitter #mastodon #substack #courseware #software #labormarket #research
Are you wondering how soft the Fed's landing will be? We discuss the topic this week in my PhD course on economic #slack. The lecture videos & notes are available at:
The relevant lectures are 88–102.
We find that if the Fed achieves its aim of reducing labor-market tightness (vacancies/unemployment) from 2 to 1, the unemployment rate will rise from 4% to 5%. So not zero but not dramatic either.
#softlanding #monetarypolicy #unemployment #beveridgecurve #courseware
#slack #softlanding #monetarypolicy #unemployment #beveridgecurve #courseware
How about #courseware applications in the #fediverse? Are there any being worked on?
Educational institutions could manage curriculum and materials on their own instance. Everybody from org to Youtuber could participate in the body of knowledge. For the learner, this would need structure like course description, maybe a rubric around assessment, etc. #eduverse
#courseware #fediverse #eduverse
I have also developed #courseware that's freely available and that people seem to find useful. I sometimes post about that too.
I am currently developing lecture videos & notes on Economic Slack:
Previous material includes:
– Lecture notes on Mathematical Methods for Macroeconomics:
– Lecture slides on Intermediate Macroeconomics:
– Lecture videos on Unemployment Models & Policies:
The Animator's Survival Kit Animated - iPad app
Wenn mir mal besonders langweilig ist. The Animator's Survival Kit - Animated. iPad app.
#Animation #Animator's #Animators #DVD #Kit #Richard #Shaarli💫 #Survival #Training #Williams #boxed #courseware #framed #learning #masterclass #rabbit #roger #set #tutorials #who 📱
#who #tutorials #set #roger #rabbit #Masterclass #learning #framed #courseware #boxed #williams #training #survival #shaarli #richard #kit #dvd #animators #animator #animation
If you haven't guessed, our recent posts have focused on #photosynthesis and #cellular_respiration - the topics of our Unit 2 #animated_textbook "The Flow of Energy". More from this unit in the coming weeks. #biology #3D #education #courseware https://twitter.com/SmartBiology3D/status/1495781618035871756/photo/1
#courseware #education #3D #biology #animated_textbook #cellular_respiration #photosynthesis