Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Madonna Is Back Rehearsing for Her World Tour Two Months After Health Scare #Jezebel #americanwomeninbusiness #blondambitionworldtour #entertainmentculture #drewbarrymore #courtneylove #stuartprice #rebelheart #ethanhawke #bobbarker #jamieking #mayahawke #reneerapp #goldberg #juliafox #madonna #theview #chrissy #madge #tmz
#jezebel #americanwomeninbusiness #blondambitionworldtour #entertainmentculture #drewbarrymore #courtneylove #stuartprice #rebelheart #ethanhawke #bobbarker #jamieking #mayahawke #reneerapp #Goldberg #juliafox #madonna #TheView #chrissy #madge #tmz
"Cry to the angels
And let them swallow you"
da "Celebrity Skin" (1997)
#NowPlaying #np #aradio
#CourtneyLove #BeachComber #Estate2023
#nowplaying #np #aradio #courtneylove #beachcomber #estate2023 #buriedonfire
59 years ago today, Courtney Love, American musician (Hole), and actress (People vs Larry Flynt), born in San Francisco, California
Courtney Love created a playlist for the reopening of The National Portrait Gallery in London recently, and it's great!
You can read about the playlist and click through to listen via Spotify, here:
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Amber Heard’s New Co-Star, Director Praise Her After a Year of Silence From Hollywood #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #thetaorminafilmfestival #jenniferaniston #phoebebridgers #courtneylove #haileybieber #lucacalvani #constancewu #amberheard #bellahadid #johnnydepp #conorallyn #jasonmomoa #zoesaldana #instagram #calvani #aquaman #dojacat #milani #allyn
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #thetaorminafilmfestival #jenniferaniston #PhoebeBridgers #courtneylove #haileybieber #lucacalvani #constancewu #amberheard #bellahadid #johnnydepp #conorallyn #jasonmomoa #zoesaldana #Instagram #calvani #aquaman #dojacat #milani #allyn
Über Courtney Love zu sprechen ohne Nirvana und Kurt Cobain zu nennen? Das klingt fast utopisch. Dabei hat Courtney Love zur selben Zeit mit ihrer Band Hole wahnsinnig gute Musik gemacht. Das findet auch Charlotte Brandi. Im Popfilter erklärt sie warum es im Song „Violet“ von Hole um Gewalt geht.
#CharlotteBrandi #CourtneyLove #DerSongDesTages #Hole #KurtCobain #Nirvana #Popfilter #Songempfehlung #Takeover #Violet #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#charlottebrandi #courtneylove #dersongdestages #hole #kurtcobain #nirvana #popfilter #songempfehlung #takeover #violet #popfilterdersongdestages
A true life tale of sleaze, featuring the actual Courtney Love. Live on my Substack. Right now.
#CourtneyLove #DeathRock #Sleaze
#courtneylove #deathrock #sleaze
Focus "Industrie du X" 2/5
Larry Flynt (1996)
Une évocation romancée (et idéalisée), très dense et drôle sur un personnage aussi admirable que détestable.
#LarryFlynt #MilosForman #WoodyHarrelson #CourtneyLove #EdwardNorton #LarryFlynt #Film #Cinema
#larryflynt #milosforman #woodyharrelson #courtneylove #edwardnorton #film #cinema
5 augustus 1966
Jennifer begint haar carrière in de band #SugarBabydoll met #CourtneyLove en #KatBjelland.
Na de opname van een demo stopt Jennifer en richt mee de band #ThePandoras op, om bij de split van deze mede-oprichtster te zijn van grunge legende #L7 in 1986, volgens #DonitaSparks was Jennifer de drijvende kracht achter de band en de sound.
In 1996 verlaat ze L7, om even in #Hole te spelen.
Ze start dan met de band #OtherStarPeople met
#jenniferfinch #sugarbabydoll #courtneylove #katbjelland #thepandoras #L7 #donitasparks #hole #otherstarpeople
17 maart 1972
Op haar 21ste vroeg ze voor haar verjaardag een bassgitaar, en start ze met haar eerste band, Tinker.
Ze werd bevriend met #billyCorgan in 1991 nadat deze vocht tijdens een concert met één van haar vrienden, en in 1993 stond Tinker in het voorprogramma van #SmashingPumpkins.
In 1994 stapt ze dankzij Billy in de band #Hole, ter vervanging van de overleden #KristenPfaff.
Al bedankt Melissa eerst voor de eer. #CourtneyLove was
#melissaaufdermaur #billycorgan #smashingpumpkins #hole #kristenpfaff #courtneylove
#CourtneyLove Reveals #KurtCobain’s Early Lyrics for “Smells Like #TeenSpirit”
#courtneylove #kurtcobain #teenspirit
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kate Bush Among '23 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductees #Jezebel #theeveningstandarde28099s60ththeatreawards #entertainment2cculture #rockandrollhalloffame #rageagainstthemachine #downtowncleveland #singersongwriter #strangerthings #georgemichael #humaninterest #bernietaupin #ahmetertegun #courtneylove #willienelson #doncornelius #georgehwbush #missyelliott #rock26roll
#jezebel #theeveningstandarde28099s60ththeatreawards #entertainment2cculture #rockandrollhalloffame #rageagainstthemachine #downtowncleveland #singersongwriter #strangerthings #GeorgeMichael #humaninterest #bernietaupin #ahmetertegun #courtneylove #willienelson #DonCornelius #georgehwbush #missyelliott #rock26roll
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: I Refuse to Believe the Kylie Jenner & Timothée Chalamet Dating Rumors #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #americanwomeninbusiness #kyliejennertimothc3a9e #thevenicefilmfestival #timothc3a9echalamet #europeandiaspora #reesewitherspoon #kardashianfamily #felicityhuffman #kyliecosmetics #jakegyllenhaal #kendalljenner #williamhmacy #courtneylove #kyliejenner
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #americanwomeninbusiness #kyliejennertimothc3a9e #thevenicefilmfestival #timothc3a9echalamet #europeandiaspora #reesewitherspoon #kardashianfamily #felicityhuffman #kyliecosmetics #jakegyllenhaal #kendalljenner #williamhmacy #courtneylove #kyliejenner
“The bar [at the Rock Hall of Fame] is demonstrably lower for men to hop over (or slither under). The Rock Hall recognised Pearl Jam about four seconds after they became eligible—and yet Chaka Khan, eligible since 2003, languishes with seven nominations. All is not lost, though—the Rock Hall is doing a special programme for Women’s History Month on her stagewear.” - Courtney Love
Why are women so marginalised by the RRHoF? #CourtneyLove #RRHoF
#NowListening #CourtneyLove - Doll Parts
“If the Rock Hall is not willing to look at the ways it is replicating the violence of structural racism and sexism that artists face in the music industry, if it cannot properly honour what visionary women artists have created, innovated, revolutionised and contributed to popular music – well, then let it go to hell in a handbag."
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Courtney Love Writes Column Excoriating Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Then Edits Her Editor #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #rockandrollhalloffame #downtowncleveland #pharrellwilliams #gilliangilbert #courtneylove #seymourstein #missyelliott #judymcgrath #theguardian #cyndilauper #irvingazoff #sherylcrow #rock26roll #lyorcohen #chakakhan #musicians #megwhite #cool
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #rockandrollhalloffame #downtowncleveland #pharrellwilliams #gilliangilbert #courtneylove #seymourstein #missyelliott #judymcgrath #theguardian #cyndilauper #irvingazoff #sherylcrow #rock26roll #lyorcohen #chakakhan #musicians #megwhite #cool
Picture of #CourtneyLove when she was in #Taiwan as a teenager, working as an dancer.
Supposedly she was kicked out shortly after and moved on to Hong Kong.
See next post in thread for quote from an interview
photo source:
Although I did not know it then, the first time I saw my wife was from across the CNE stadium in 1992, when we both attended the Guns N' Roses/Metallica/Faith No More concert. She really did stand out that well (and no, that is not a fat joke)!
#FaithNoMore has been one of my favorite bands since I was 15, so I reviewed their career while also explaining why FNM has meant so much to me since I was a little skid.
#music #metal #rocknroll #ChuckMosley #CourtneyLove
#faithnomore #music #metal #rocknroll #chuckmosley #courtneylove
Punkband opgericht in '87 te Minneapolis door #KatBjelland, en zijn van groot belang voor de riot grrrl scene en de grunge eind jaren 80 en begin jaren 90.
#CourtneyLove zou even in de band spelen maar na ruzie er uit gezet worden, wat later ook nog voor vuurwerk.
De band kiest hun eigen pad en weigert zelfs een podiumplaats op Lolapalooza. In 2001 gaat de band uit elkaar om in 2015 terug samen op te treden.
#babesintoyland #katbjelland #courtneylove