Couscous mit gegrillten Tomaten
#Couscous mit kochender #Gemüsebrühe übergießen und quellen lassen. Rote #Zwiebeln in Ringe schneiden + mit #Olivenöl #Ahornsirup #RasElHanout + #Cumin braten. Mit #Rosinen + #Cranberries mischen. #Mandelstifte rösten. Viel #Rucola #Petersilie + #Pfefferminze fein hacken. Alles mit dem abgekühlten Couscous mischen. Mit SalzPfeffer #Zitronensaft + #Zitronenabrieb abschmecken.
#Kirschtomaten in einer sehr heißen Pfanne grillen, mit SalzPfeffer bestreuen.
#Kirschtomaten #zitronenabrieb #Zitronensaft #Pfefferminze #Petersilie #rucola #Mandelstifte #cranberries #Rosinen #cumin #RasElHanout #Ahornsirup #olivenol #zwiebeln #gemusebruhe #couscous #vegan
#sunday is the day when you can make a more elaborate #dinner. Tonight is #morrocan #Couscous w/ lamb, turkey & feta meatballs, boneless chicken thigh pieces, eggplant, garlic, raisins & roasted cauliflower, carrots, red peppers & sweet onions with Ras el Hanout spice.
#wine pairing is a terrific Gran Pagos d’Espana #rioja offering balanced raspberry, strawberry, red cherry, blood orange, anise, Meyer lemon, river moss & stone minerality.
#sunday #dinner #morrocan #couscous #wine #rioja
Very colourful dinner tonight - roast veg (beetroot from garden) with cous cous and kale (from the garden)
#vegan #RoastVeg #kale #CousCous #HomeGrown
#homegrown #couscous #kale #roastveg #vegan
Made it to the "Les Puces" today. It is quite the hike but an interesting day.
We had couscous around the corner at 'Margurita' and it blew people's minds away. We didn't know you could eat couscous like that. We are looking forward to all the new receipes we now have- creative juices are flowing! #Cooking #CousCous #LesPuces #paris #Travel #FleaMarket
#fleamarket #Travel #Paris #lespuces #couscous #Cooking
Today's #BBQ: Meat meets pork, also #moinkballs mit #Couscous als Beilage 😛
Frisches Rinderhack, eine Handvoll Rub, Kugeln (50 g) formen und mit zwei Streifen #Bacon umwickeln. Anschließend 40 Minuten indirekt bei 120° C unter die Grillhaube, dann mit einer Sauce glasieren und weitere 20 Minuten gar ziehen.
#fedifood #mastofood #foodlovers #foodporn #fedigrill #fedibbq #bbqlovers #bbqnerd #bbqporn #bbqfriends
#bbq #moinkballs #couscous #bacon #fedifood #mastofood #Foodlovers #foodporn #fedigrill #fedibbq #bbqlovers #bbqnerd #bbqporn #bbqfriends
RT @FabrizioBucella
Que boire avec un couscous ? Salukes.
I cooked a scallops and couscous 🍽️ dinner.
#Scallops #Couscous #FiestaWare #Dinner
#scallops #couscous #fiestaware #dinner
About to cook Spanish/North African couscous for the first time in a long time. Time will tell...
*Scarlett Voice*
I may not be cheerful right now, but by god, my food will be!
Made confetti couscous tonight to go with grilled salmon. Yummy.
My recipe:
Instant couscous: 1-1.5 cups, prepare as directed.
Raw veg chopped into small bits: carrot, red bell pepper, zucchini, spring onion -- white and green parts.
(You decide the amounts. This time, I used 1 med. carrot, 1 med. zucchini, 1 sm. spring onion, 1 sm. red bell pepper.)
A handful or two directly from the freezer: small frozen green peas
Complementary stuff: raisins, dried cranberries, chopped almonds, to taste
Dressing: juice of one orange, equal amount of olive oil, salt and pepper. Add some lemon juice if too sweet. Use as much as needed, to taste, or to have the couscous reasonably moist (agreeable to the tongue, basically. Your tongueage may vary)
In my experience, even people who usually rebel against raisins in non-desserts end up liking them in this.
#food #recipe #couscous #confetticouscous #cheerful #salad
I plated.
Seared #duck breasts with #BloodOrange and #couscous
#HomeCooking #Ottolenghi 🦆
#Ottolenghi #homecooking #couscous #bloodorange #duck
Getting ready for some #healthyfood . Preparing some #couscous for the #weekend 👌💪 #nofilter #foodporn #cuisine #cuisinealgerienne #cuisinemarocaine #cuisinefacile
#cuisinefacile #cuisinemarocaine #cuisinealgerienne #cuisine #foodporn #nofilter #weekend #couscous #healthyfood
Ja, precies. En ook nog eens een boeiend #fenomeen voor iedereen.
Het zijn vaak simpele dingen, die mensen hebben meegekregen uit hun cultuur, waar je samen om kan lachen als je er open voor staat.
Een Marokkaan spreekt lovend over de #couscous van zijn oma.
Een Turk over zijn #baklava.
En mijn vader (een 'well to do') was gek op #reebout en óók #balkebrei en #bloedworst, boerenlekkernijen in NL.
Soms kun je elkaar beter begrijpen als elkaars eten waardeerd, etc....
#justsaying #bloedworst #balkebrei #reebout #baklava #couscous #fenomeen
Habe #Couscous-Käse-Bratlinge geklöppelt. Die sind heute anschließend in einen Burger Bun gewandert.