The #SARSCoV2 #Omicron variant spread more rapid than the other variants of the #CoV2. Simulation results show that the Omicron Variant has stronger binding affintiy for the ACE2 receptor than other variants.Biologic Models designed this #3Dprinted scientific model of the #SARSCoV-2 Receptor Binding Domain Omicron Mutant 6VXX to help research scientists track viral mutations to the RBD of the #Spike Glycoprotein.
#SarsCoV2 #omicron #cov2 #3dprinted #SarsCoV #spike
RT @LabWaggoner
In #CoV2: pDC are major IFN-I/λ source via short-range sensing (integrin-mediated cell adhesion w/ infected cells) & directed secretion. Notably, pDC are particularly impaired in severe #COVID19 @DreuxMarlene