The original author of this #meme seems to have disappeared so recreated it & hope to see it pop up everywhere đź–¤
#PaleRider #variants #viralSex #xbb #drift #crowdDisease #demographicDisaster #deathCurves #excessMortalityRate #sarscov2 #covidopaths #COVAIDS #CovidIsNotOver #covidIsNotMild #CovidIsNotACold
#meme #palerider #variants #viralsex #xbb #drift #crowddisease #demographicdisaster #deathcurves #excessmortalityrate #sarscov2 #covidopaths #covaids #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #covidisnotacold
@CassandraZeroCovid @PrecautionaryPrinciple had been promised at least 2 yrs of immunity on top of the fact i never stopped masking & saw nobody… & then 2nd infection was nearly identical to 1st, I had questions to say the least
It makes perfect sense people who expose themselves 24/7 are having “mild” illness
#COVAIDS might be my most #favorite term right before #covidopaths which i stole from @nntaleb
Naming things is important & i recall hearing “k” 2/?
#covaids #favorite #covidopaths
RT @Care4AllLives
@EnemyInAState #CovAIDS
Covid Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. We will only learn of the long-term consequences of Covid infection(s) on the immune system and other body systems in the years to come.
41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%
#news #covid #covid19 #covaids #aids #vaids #jab #shot #vax #vaccine #vaccines #virus #UK #europe
These databases represent ~1% of actual adverse events.
Do not take more poison shots! ⏰
#news #covid #COVID19 #covaids #aids #VAIDS #jab #shot #vax #vaccine #vaccines #virus #uk #europe