#CoveringClimateNow: "The #WashingtonPost Goes Big on #Climate
"This is a landmark week for #ClimateJournalism, as one of the world’s most influential news organizations, The Washington Post, announced a dramatic expansion of its climate coverage. “We have nearly tripled the size of our Climate team — totaling more than 30 journalists — part of a newsroom-wide commitment to covering perhaps the century’s biggest story”
#ClimateNews #ClimateEmergency
#coveringclimatenow #washingtonpost #climate #climatejournalism #climatenews #climateemergency
RT @anlomedad@twitter.com
In Davos zitiert @GretaThunberg@twitter.com den IPCC SR15 mit 420 Gt CO2 Restbudget, Stand 1.1.2018. Aktualisiert sind es heute 235 Gt (Ohne 100Gt "Dispokredit", den GenerationGreta ja abzahlen müsste.)
Diese Zahlen sollen ALLE Medien endlich verbreiten!
#TellTheTruth #CoveringClimateNow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/anlomedad/status/1219651310355730433
#tellthetruth #coveringclimatenow
RT @InactionNever@twitter.com
KENYA: Some #ClimateStrike protesters in Nairobi wore hats and outfits made from plastic bottles to emphasize the dangers of plastic waste #CoveringClimateNow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InactionNever/status/1175130926264836096
#climatestrike #coveringclimatenow
Looks like we finally getting some proper coverage on the #climatecrises this week \o/
250+ news organizations have pledged to focus on Climate Change in the coming week #CoveringClimateNow reaching 1b+ people worldwide.
#climatecrises #coveringclimatenow