Et pour ceux qui n'en peuvent plus d'attendre la suite des "Aventures occultes de Lady Bradsley", voici de quoi découvrir ce dont il sera question dans "Le sceau des ténèbres" 😊
Vous pouvez précommander si vous le souhaiter!
#mastolivre #roman #fantastique #occulte #coverreveal
#mastolivre #roman #fantastique #occulte #coverreveal
Covertime 📔
Alle Bände folgen einer übergeordneten Handlung, lassen sich aber einzeln lesen 🙃
In #VanMagie 5 "Dem Glück hinterher" versteht Kiara die Welt nicht mehr. Noctus ist ständig gedankenverloren, verschwindet immer wieder über Stunden. Als Kiara den Grund dafür herausfindet, fürchtet sie, ihren besten Freund für immer zu verlieren ...
#Autor_innenleben #Vanautorin #Vantasy #FantasyausDeutschland #Vangeschichten #Campergeschichten #Novelle #Coverlover #WirSindPAN #Coverreveal
#vanmagie #autor_innenleben #vanautorin #vantasy #FantasyausDeutschland #vangeschichten #campergeschichten #Novelle #coverlover #wirsindpan #coverreveal
#CoverReveal! STEEL TREE is a science fiction retelling of The Nutcracker that flips the original tale on its head and delves into issues like imperialism, colonialism, and class struggle. It will be out from Android Press December 12th!
#solarpunk #ScienceFiction #SciFiBooks
#coverreveal #solarpunk #sciencefiction #scifibooks
#CoverReveal The Philosophy of Love by Rebecca Ryan | @writebecswrite @SimonschusterUK @TeamBATC | #ThePhilosophyOfLove
I'm so pleased to be joining with Rebecca Ryan and other bloggers to reveal the cover of her second novel The Philosophy of Love, which is due out next February from Simon & Schuster. Rebecca's first novel, My (Extra) Ordinary Life was one of the first books I read this year and is one of my favourite reads for 2023.
#thephilosophyoflove #coverreveal
This week for my Point of View column, I'm sharing my cover for the upcoming second book in the Tharassas Cycle, The Gauntlet runner, and how we got from the initial concept to the finished thing.
Check it out:
#CoverReveal #SciFi #ScienceFiction #NewRelease #Queer #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQBookstodon @LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #book #books #CoverReveal
#coverreveal #scifi #sciencefiction #newrelease #queer #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqbookstodon #bookstodon #book #books
My next novel, The Committee Will Kill You Now, will be out 11/9/23!
Based on the true-life rationing of kidney dialysis in 1960s America, a medical intern in 1992 Seattle tries to leave his painful past behind, only to uncover a shocking truth of thirty years prior & the lasting, generational harm of hidden secrets…
A must-read for anyone interested in #medicine, #ethics, and the human struggle for #justice.
#books #bookstodon #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #MedMastodon
#coverreveal #medicine #ethics #justice #books #bookstodon #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #MedMastodon
It's Cover Reveal Day!
Blood Ties. A dark mystery on the high seas. eBook and paperback out 17th Sept 2023.
And here it is...
#coverReveal #ComingSoon #NewBook #novelette #JamesFindlayJournals #DoctorJack #JackTheRipper #eBook #Paperback
#coverreveal #comingsoon #newbook #novelette #jamesfindlayjournals #doctorjack #jacktheripper #ebook #paperback
I've kinda forgotten about Mastadon due to threads but hi! I'm still writing and today is the #CoverReveal for #ABrokenRedeemer book 3 of the #KalistaChronicles!
#coverreveal #abrokenredeemer #kalistachronicles
I'm so excited! I can finally announce I have a story included in Remains to be Told: Dark Tales of Aotearoa. The anthology will launch 1 October at ConFlux 17.
Pre-order details coming soon.
#writing #horror #RemainsToBeTold #Bookstodon #CoverReveal #ShortStory
#writing #horror #remainstobetold #bookstodon #coverreveal #shortstory
#CoverReveal day for Milly Johnson’s forthcoming novel The Happiest
You'll maybe know that Milly Johnson is one of my favourite authors. If you stick her name in the search box you'll find reviews of loads of her novels. I know I can always rely on Milly for funny, feel-good romantic fiction full of warmth and heart. So I'm really pleased to be able to share the the cover of her latest novel, …
Sharing because I love this so much and it's so pretty! My book ROCK STAR'S HEART has been selected for the Gilded Love Notes rock star book box, and the special edition cover for it has just been revealed. The designer is K.B. Barrett.
#SelfPromo #BookCover #CoverReveal #GildedLoveNotes #BookBox #SpecialEdition
#specialedition #bookbox #gildedlovenotes #coverreveal #bookcover #selfpromo
Rejected by Starfleet
Denied by the Federation
Two years after Voyager returns from the Delta Quadrant, ex-Borg Seven of Nine embarks on a long-overdue journey of self-discovery — one that leads her to join the Fenris Rangers … but this choice might herald the end of her friendship with Kathryn Janeway.
Available Now for Pre-Order in
Hardcover, eBook, and Audiobook
Hier glüht das Cover der sehr guten Anthologie "Glutnacht – Dunkle Folklore", die am 31.10.2023 erscheint.
Ich bin mit der Kurzgeschichte "Ausgebrannt" vertreten. Am Freitag flatterte das Lektorat ins virtuelle Postfach, das ich in den nächsten Tagen durcharbeiten werde. Ich freue mich schon drauf.
#coverreveal #buchcover #halloween #coverflashmob #kurzgeschichten #fantasy #phantastik #glutnacht #feuer #feuerteufel #leseratte #horror #horrorautor #horrorbücher #horrorshortstories
#coverreveal #Buchcover #halloween #coverflashmob #Kurzgeschichten #fantasy #phantastik #glutnacht #feuer #feuerteufel #Leseratte #horror #horrorautor #horrorbucher #horrorshortstories
@kaciroseauthor has revealed the cover for Take Me To The Edge!
Releasing October 24, 2023
Preorder your copy today!
Apple Books:
Google Play:
#MountainManofWhiskeyRiver #ContemporaryRomance #MilitaryRomance #SmallTownRomance #GrumpySunshine #ForcedProximity #WoundedHero #GreysPromo @greyspromo #CoverReveal
#coverreveal #greyspromo #woundedhero #forcedproximity #GrumpySunshine #smalltownromance #militaryromance #contemporaryromance #mountainmanofwhiskeyriver
#CoverReveal! The Girl Who Fled the Picture by Jane Anderson | #historicalfiction #LBTCrew #BookTwitter | @JaneSAnderson15 @lovebookstours @KellyALacey
I'm really excited to be taking part in the cover reveal for The Girl Who Fled the Picture by Jane Anderson. I've been waiting to read this book for what seems like ages! I came to know Jane through a Facebook group I started for Authors and Book Bloggers in Scotland and have heard a lot about the book over the years.
#booktwitter #lbtcrew #historicalfiction #coverreveal
Das Cover im Stil der Buchreihe hat natürlich die wundervolle @juliana.fabula aka #FabulaCoverdesign gezaubert 😍 Mit einem Motiv von Bulliunterwegs und LittletourBulliPaws.
Ja, das Titelbild ist ein Van vom Event, genau wie 90% der Figuren! 😍 War eine ganz neue Erfahrung, so zu schreiben.
#Autor_innenleben #Vanautorin #AutorinonTour #FantasyausDeutschland #Camperlesung #Vanlesung #Vangeschichten #Campergeschichten #GermanCamperFestivalVerbindet #Novelle #Coverreveal #Coverlover
#fabulacoverdesign #autor_innenleben #vanautorin #autorinontour #FantasyausDeutschland #camperlesung #vanlesung #vangeschichten #campergeschichten #germancamperfestivalverbindet #Novelle #coverreveal #coverlover
Tja, das ist jetzt irgendwie gemein: Das gut 120 Seiten lange Abenteuer wird es ausschließlich als eBook geben – und die Karten mit dem kostenlosen Downloadlink werden ausschließlich auf dem Festival verteilt. 🤫
Ich werde vom 04. bis 06. August ebenfalls beim #GCFYesWeCamp2023 am Start sein.
#Autor_innenleben #Vanautorin #AutorinonTour #FantasyausDeutschland #Camperlesung #Vanlesung #Vangeschichten #Campergeschichten #GermanCamperFestivalVerbindet #Novelle #Coverreveal #Coverlover #Bonusstory
#gcfyeswecamp2023 #autor_innenleben #vanautorin #autorinontour #FantasyausDeutschland #camperlesung #vanlesung #vangeschichten #campergeschichten #germancamperfestivalverbindet #Novelle #coverreveal #coverlover #bonusstory
Coverreveal 📔
Ihr kennt meine Fantasybücher, nun gibts neu dazu #Vantasy: Roadtripgeschichten mit einer Prise Magie. Und noch bevor Band 1 von #VanMagie das Licht der Buchwelt erblickt, gibt es ab 04. August die Bonusgeschichte "Ein stürmisches Wochenende", ein Crossover mit dem und für das #GermanCamperFestival. Kostenlos! 🤩
#Autor_innenleben #Vanautorin #AutorinonTour #FantasyausDeutschland #Vangeschichten #Campergeschichten #GermanCamperFestivalVerbindet #Novelle #Coverreveal #Coverlover
#vantasy #vanmagie #germancamperfestival #autor_innenleben #vanautorin #autorinontour #FantasyausDeutschland #vangeschichten #campergeschichten #germancamperfestivalverbindet #Novelle #coverreveal #coverlover
@kaylee_ryan_author has revealed the covers for Stay Wild!
Releasing August 22, 2023
Preorder today!
Apple Books:
#smalltownromance #brothersseries #kayleeryan #kincaidbrotheres #ContemporaryRomance #SmallTownRomance #OneNightStand #GreysPromo @greyspromo #CoverReveal
#coverreveal #greyspromo #onenightstand #contemporaryromance #kincaidbrotheres #kayleeryan #brothersseries #smalltownromance
Author @milakanebooks has revealed the cover for Bad Intentions!
Releasing August 16, 2023
Preorder today on Amazon!
#milakane #DarkRomance #NewAdultRomance #SportsRomance #VirginHero #HeFellFirst #EnemiestoLovers #HatetoLove #BullyRomance #GreysPromo @greyspromo #CoverReveal
#coverreveal #greyspromo #bullyromance #hatetolove #enemiestolovers #hefellfirst #virginhero #sportsromance #NewAdultRomance #darkromance #milakane #hellionsofhadeharbor