Installing new #coverstitch machine tonight. Fighting my perfectionism with everything I’ve got!
@sewing needed to get past a creative block so I sewed up a quick tank top last night. I’m very happy with the result even though I see where the binding is better on the second side because I was more thoughtful about application. A great first #coverstitch #sewing project though, and now I’m not afraid of my coverstitch machine.
Turns out I can quite comfortably freehand a skirt from not enough #fabric, including adjusting for variable length needed for my big ass
I love my #overlock though I still need better thread for flatlocking and I'd like a #coverstitch even though my sewing machine does a decent hidden hem on jersey.
Also very happy about being introduced to broad fabric-only waists and not having to bother with elastic bands
Next need to find the mental power to #sew my pegasus pants!
#fabric #overlock #coverstitch #sew
i’m pretty happy with this. and i should write it down for the next time - i’ve made more than a dozen of these, and it still took some doing to figure out the elastic application.
elastic and fabric quartered and eighthed, pinned together with roughly 1/2” overlap, and the elastic stretched during stitching to ease in the fabric.
not perfect, but pretty good, and DEFINITELY good after 2 years!
(and yes, penguins in christmas boxers for hanukkah.)
life gets in the way. i realized i hadn’t used my coverstitch machine since we moved a year and a half ago - it was still taped up in the box.
as much as i love it, the learning curve is steep like whoa and a nearly two year sabbatical (counting from when it was boxed up and put in a shipping container) is not fun to climb back up.
now to finish the #hanukkah underwear.