Dear White People,
The 'Devil' in Devil's Advocate is you.
#devilsadvocate #covertracism #whitesupremacy #capitalism #BIPOC #BlackMastadon
#devilsadvocate #covertracism #whitesupremacy #capitalism #bipoc #blackmastadon
Where US Founding Fathers, and six generations of presidents, publicly espoused white superiority, now that's a marginal public position.
But policies and covert prejudices that advantage whites are commonplace.
#WhiteSupremacy #History #CovertRacism
#covertracism #history #WhiteSupremacy
@Brightdave this is most definitely one of the more subtle ways it can present, which is why I hashtagged the original post with #CovertRacism.
But the truth is implicit bias is a thing and it can be just as cutting as being asked to 'go back to China'
(which I have also experienced. Much fun!)
I feel for your wife, and yes, it can definitely get much worse.
When you're a #POC #migrant cooking laksa for a large community event and a white council health inspector on a power trip decides to take apart your recipe and question you about *every single* minute step of your process because he is 'concerned about the preparation'... 🙄
(Was asked to elaborate on how I intend to blanch beansprouts, among other ridiculous things 🤪)
So you send back a point by point response, quoting FSANZ, holding temps and sanitising procedures, while also letting him know that you are a professional chef and have all the required food safety supervisor certifications.
You might say this isn't about colour...
But oh trust me. It is.
#poc #migrant #covertracism #microaggression