Ransomware victims are refusing to pay, tanking attackers’ profits - Enlarge / Holding up corporations, utilities, and hospitals for malware... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1911768 #cryptoransomware #cryptocurrency #chainalysis #ransomware #coveware #security #biz&it
#biz #security #coveware #ransomware #chainalysis #cryptocurrency #cryptoransomware
Ars Technica: Ransomware victims are refusing to pay, tanking attackers’ profits https://arstechnica.com/?p=1911768 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #cryptoransomware #cryptocurrency #chainalysis #ransomware #Coveware #security #Biz&IT
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #cryptoransomware #cryptocurrency #chainalysis #ransomware #coveware #security #biz
📬 Ransomware-Einnahmen sind um 40 Prozent rückläufig
#DarkCommerce #ChainalysisInc #Coveware #Fortinet #JackieBurnsKoven #Ransomware #REvil https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/szene/dark-commerce/ransomware-einnahmen-sind-um-40-prozent-ruecklaeufig-263522.html
#revil #ransomware #jackieburnskoven #fortinet #coveware #ChainalysisInc #DarkCommerce
Nach Erkenntnissen des US-amerikanischen Cybersicherheitsspezialisten #Coveware lag die durchschnittliche Lösegeldforderung im vierten Quartal 2021 bei mehr als 320.000 Dollar. Im November 2021 forderten Erpresser von den Elektronikhandelsketten #MediaMarkt und #Saturn zunächst 240 Millionen Dollar Lösegeld. Weil die Unternehmensgruppe offenbar nicht zahlte, fiel das Warenbestellsystem aus, teilweise funktionierten auch Kassen in den rund 1000 Filialen nicht mehr.
Dem US-Unternehmen #Coveware zufolge zahlten #Ransomware-Opfer Anfang 2019 im Schnitt 12.700 Dollar. Ende vergangenen Jahres betrug die Summe im Mittel 139.700 Dollar. Besonders erschreckend: Längst gibt es im #Darknet Angebote von Ransomware-as-a-Service: #Erpressungssoftware, die sich mieten lässt, in der Regel gegen Erfolgsbeteiligung. Die #Hacker-Gruppe #Lockbit 2.0 zum Beispiel ist dadurch bekannt geworden.
#lockbit #hacker #Erpressungssoftware #Darknet #ransomware #coveware
The ‘Groove’ Ransomware Gang Was a Hoax - A number of publications in September warned about the emergence of “Groove,” a ne... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/11/the-groove-ransomware-gang-was-a-hoax/ #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #catalincimpanu #grooveransom #blackmatter #fortinetvpn #boriselcin #flashpoint #tomhoffman #rampforum #therecord #coveware #intel471 #mcafee #babuk #xss
#xss #babuk #mcafee #intel471 #coveware #therecord #rampforum #tomhoffman #flashpoint #boriselcin #fortinetvpn #blackmatter #grooveransom #catalincimpanu #alittlesunshine #neer
The ‘Groove’ Ransomware Gang Was a Hoax https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/11/the-groove-ransomware-gang-was-a-hoax/ #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #ALittleSunshine #CatalinCimpanu #Grooveransom #BlackMatter #FortinetVPN #Boriselcin #Flashpoint #TomHoffman #RAMPforum #TheRecord #Coveware #Intel471 #mcafee #Babuk #XSS
#ne #ALittleSunshine #catalincimpanu #Grooveransom #blackmatter #FortinetVPN #Boriselcin #flashpoint #TomHoffman #RAMPforum #TheRecord #coveware #Intel471 #mcafee #BABUK #xss
Don’t Wanna Pay Ransom Gangs? Test Your Backups. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/07/dont-wanna-pay-ransom-gangs-test-your-backups/ #FabianWosar #Ransomware #BillSiegel #kimzetter #Coveware #Emsisoft
#FabianWosar #ransomware #billsiegel #kimzetter #coveware #Emsisoft
Don’t Wanna Pay Ransom Gangs? Test Your Backups. - Browse the comments on virtually any story about a ransomware attack and you will ... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/07/dont-wanna-pay-ransom-gangs-test-your-backups/ #fabianwosar #ransomware #billsiegel #kimzetter #coveware #emsisoft
#emsisoft #coveware #kimzetter #billsiegel #ransomware #fabianwosar
A Closer Look at the DarkSide Ransomware Gang https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/05/a-closer-look-at-the-darkside-ransomware-gang/ #ColonialPipelineransomwareattack #DarkSideransomware #ALittleSunshine #Ransomware #Flashpoint #Coveware #Intel471
#colonialpipelineransomwareattack #darksideransomware #ALittleSunshine #ransomware #flashpoint #coveware #Intel471
A Closer Look at the DarkSide Ransomware Gang - The FBI confirmed this week that a relatively new ransomware group known as DarkSi... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/05/a-closer-look-at-the-darkside-ransomware-gang/ #colonialpipelineransomwareattack #darksideransomware #alittlesunshine #ransomware #flashpoint #coveware #intel471
#intel471 #coveware #flashpoint #ransomware #alittlesunshine #darksideransomware #colonialpipelineransomwareattack
Why Paying to Delete Stolen Data is Bonkers https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/11/why-paying-to-delete-stolen-data-is-bonkers/ #ALittleSunshine #FabianWosar #Ransomware #ransomware #Coveware #Emsisoft
#ALittleSunshine #FabianWosar #ransomware #coveware #Emsisoft
Why Paying to Delete Stolen Data is Bonkers - Companies hit by ransomware often face a dual threat: Even if they avoid paying the ransom and can r... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/11/why-paying-to-delete-stolen-data-is-bonkers/ #alittlesunshine #fabianwosar #ransomware #coveware #emsisoft
#emsisoft #coveware #ransomware #fabianwosar #alittlesunshine