A clip from: Anne Marie talks to Tin Biscuit from Grimsby
14th of December
#globalist #covid #covid1984 #newworldorder
#globalist #covid #covid1984 #newworldorder
Covid-19 is a power grab.
What is happening here is clear; a virus, no more dangerous than many others, that has been used to completely transform power in society. It has changed us to such an extent that we are now to wait to see if Boris Johnson will allow us to have our Christmas dinner together.
The government now controls when businesses should open or close and how many people we may socialise with. It is absolutely staggering. We are on the verge of possible compulsory vaccination. The government will attempt to force us to take medical intervention we do not want.
#covid #covid19 #covidvaccine #covid1984 #freedom
#covid #COVID19 #covidvaccine #covid1984 #freedom
imagine paying taxes for a government that tortures its citizens with lockdowns
#covid1984 #lockdowns #vaccinepassport #covid
#lockdowns #vaccinepassport #covid #covid1984
Denmark is asking people to get third vaccine. No country is free from covid fascism.
#covid1984 #denmark #vaccine
why am i not surprised?
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #covidtyranny
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #covidtyranny
Just when the vaccine passport is coming the state run media says that vaccination may continue until 2023. Meaning they will likely force the vaccinations. And btw self defence is illegal in Finland, you can't even use pepper spray to defend yourself.
#covid1984 #covidtyranny #fakepandemic #vaccinepassport
#covid1984 #covidtyranny #fakepandemic #vaccinepassport
what kinda food you can grow at home easily?
I think it would be smart to prepare for a food shortage.
#gardening #covid1984 #food #HomegrownFood
#gardening #covid1984 #food #HomegrownFood
Minister from centrist party "accidentally" said that covid restrictions will end in end of 2022.
#covidtyranny #conspiracytheory #covid1984
#covidtyranny #conspiracytheory #covid1984
Soon they will coerce and force the vaccines since the fascist government isn't satisfied with the vaccination rate
#clownworld #fakepandemic #covid1984
#clownworld #fakepandemic #covid1984
The constitution is not respected anymore in Finland. We are going to be the next Australia.
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #fascism
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #fascism
The covid restrictions will end only if there will be 80% vaccination rate in this month. Now about 74% have been vaccinated.
#covid1984 #fakepandemic
Would you take vaccine mady by these soy boys?
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #vaccine
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #vaccine
When you live in a country where most people trust the media that says anyone who is against lockdowns vaccines etc. is covid denialist and far right conspiracy theorist.
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #propaganda
#covid1984 #fakepandemic #propaganda
Finland needs prayers! The government is still working on vaxx passport. Soon we will live in a totalitarian state.
#prayerrequest #finland #europe #covid1984
#prayerrequest #finland #europe #covid1984
#Covid1984 #Auspol
RT @RWTaylors
The best take down I’ve ever seen! 💥
#Auspol #Vicpol #NSWpol #Covid1984
RT @GandBLawyers
Poland declaring that Australia has lost the plot https://youtu.be/PuOWLNtJd8I
#auspol #vicpol #nswpol #covid1984
#Covid1984 #ReclaimTheLine
RT @charmchris3
An ER dr from a local hospital in Melbourne just called up my local radio station. He said the reason hospitals are overwhelmed is because in ever hour, 20 people come through the ER with side effects from the jab. Mostly those that are heart related.