It has been an enormous failure of public health to educate people about proper masking and it becomes truly evident when after three years, someone tries to protect themselves with a cloth mask.
#covid19_aus #covid #publichealth
If I never see the word "uptick" again, when describing conditions like Strep A which is leading to sepsis in children, I'll be very slightly happier.
It's like saying "there's been an uptick in wittle booboos." Ffs. Somebody get me out of this Orwellian hellhole.
#covid19_aus #ImmuneDysfunction
I miss 2019
I miss thinking that people were mostly good
and thinking that people were smarter or wiser than they are.
I miss assuming that government would look after us.
And as this year has progressed, I have missed the previous two years; of thinking that we'd get out of this somehow. That if enough people died, if enough children got sick, surely they'd do something.
Yet here we are, about to head into Year 4 with fewer protections and an unfolding medical crisis.
This is what happens when you remove isolation at the start of the summer party season.
Picture stolen from @DenisCOVIDinfoguy
#covid19_aus #covidisntover #WearAMask #ishareyourair