From the BC CDC on BA.2.86 sub variant just detected.
"“It was not unexpected for BA.2.86 to show up in Canada and the province. The risk to people in B.C. has not changed. COVID-19 continues to spread globally, and the virus continues to adapt. Reducing transmission and having high levels of protection through vaccination continue to be our best defence against all variants of COVID-19. People who are vaccinated are less likely to get seriously ill from COVID-19 or require hospitalization.”

"“We urge all people in B.C. to continue to follow public-health advice and to stay home when sick, wear masks when appropriate, follow respiratory etiquette, wash hands frequently, and, most importantly, stay up to date on your vaccinations.”

Time to Mask Up. 😷

#covid19 #covid19bc #covid19canada #bcpoli #canpoli #maskup #vaxup

Last updated 1 year ago

Calibrating an Air Quality sensor at work so I can test out a few offices/classrooms and see how the ventilation is.

#airquality #co2 #covid19 #covid19bc #education #workplacehealthsafety

Last updated 1 year ago

Shout out to Tamara Taggart, a well known former broadcaster in Vancouver,
Canada turned outspoken campaigner for vulnerable people. She went on a popular local TV show/podcast to talk mask mandates and said what needed to be said within the first 30 seconds: Anti-Mask sentiment is white supremacy and extreme privilege! Done. Mic Drop. 🎤

#covid19 #maskup #covid19bc #covidisnotover #racism #whitesupremacy #bcpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Freebird · @mlk
184 followers · 1928 posts · Server
Ducky · @ducky
33 followers · 56 posts · Server
Chris Hubick · @hubick
156 followers · 158 posts · Server

Walking into Fraser Health's Bonsor vaccination clinic for my flu shot appt, I was greeted by a table full of hand sanitizer, which the team of healthcare workers in SURGICAL MASKS instructed me to use "for my and their safety". I just can't anymore 🤦‍♂️

#COVIDisAirborne #covid19bc

Last updated 2 years ago