AMP has just published!
"Long COVID Symptoms in Non-Hospitalised Patients: A Retrospective Study"
Full paper available here:
#COVID19complications #postacuteCOVID19syndrome #primaryhealthcare
#covid19complications #postacutecovid19syndrome #PrimaryHealthCare
AMP has just published!
"Femoral Neuropathy Associated with Prophylactic Anticoagulation in a Patient with Severe COVID-19: A Case Report"
Letter to the Editor by Ana Almeida Pereira, Mariana Martins, Vítor Brás Silva, Marta Amaral Silva and Ana Catarina Miguéns from Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Lisboa Central, in Lisbon.
Full paper available here:
#anticoagulants #adverseeffects #COVID19complications #chemicallyinduced #femoralneuropathy
#anticoagulants #adverseeffects #covid19complications #chemicallyinduced #femoralneuropathy