‘They don’t want the truth to come out’: Matthew Fowler on the #Covid19Inquiry
‘This is our chance’: Leshie Chandrapala on the #Covid19Inquiry - #CovidUntoldStories
#covid19inquiry #coviduntoldstories
As Oakeshott mentioned it as her 'justification' for releasing the Hancock WhatsApps - fwiw, I don't care about or will ever talk about the 'Covid Inquiry', because it's set-up already to have only one of two outcomes - either the government did nothing wrong, or decide to side with the Covid minimisers and deniers on the Right. They might even be able to say it's both.
/7 🧵
EXCLUSIVE: Covid inquiry hires Tory-linked PR firms to manage bereaved families.
“Many bereaved families will feel unbelievably let down by this,” said Rivka Gottlieb, a spokesperson for the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice campaign. “The inquiry is supposed to be investigating the huge contracts given out to the likes of 23Red, not replicating them.”
#COVID19 #covid19inquiry #ukpol #ukpolitics #pr #covid
As society we need to learn to get better at making policy making evidence based. We need to increase transparency as there are tons of potential conflicts of interests when it comes to public procurement. As taxpayers we need to demand good stewardship of these resources.
#immensa #COVID19 #testing #dantelabs #covid19inquiry