#IDMastodon #Clinicalimmunology #COVID19Vaccinereport
Diversification of viral stimuli, either by heterologous vaccination or by vaccination combined with previous infection, seems to confer a more robust immune response and a better protection against future #SARSCoV2 infection than having being multiple exposures & reinfections from 🦠. Both Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses to #SarsCoV2 Are Essential to Prevent Infection.
#IDMastodon #clinicalimmunology #covid19vaccinereport #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #PublichHealth @NEJM #COVID19Vaccinereport #Bivalentboosters provided Extra protection against severe #omicron infection in the vaccinated or boosted individual although the effectiveness waned over time. The effectiveness of bivalent boosters still higher than of monovalent boosters.
📌 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2215471
📌 https://www.nejm.org/toc/nejm/388/8?query=article_issue_link
#IDMastodon #PublichHealth #covid19vaccinereport #bivalentboosters #omicron