Peter Frederick · @pfred60
553 followers · 1384 posts · Server

730 Report with Laura Tingle

Strong interview with Prof Brendan Crabb, Nada Hamad and Richard Denniss.

Please view and share.


#COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #covidResponse

Last updated 2 years ago

SoonLeeNZ · @soonleenz
184 followers · 257 posts · Server

NZ COVID-attributed deaths Sep 4- Dec 25, 2022: 383
NZ Provisional road toll NZ 2022: 378

Kraken (Covid-19 XBB.1.5 variant) has been detected in New Zealand.

And yet, we seem a lot more focussed on bringing the road toll down than mitigating COVID-19...

#covid #COVID19 #newzealand #aotearoa #covidResponse #RoadToll

Last updated 2 years ago

Justfolk · @Justfolk
34 followers · 72 posts · Server


We have had for years.

Its simpler than that. The serves to divide and distract while they print money for themselves and to destroy which gave us democracy and freedom via -journalism and .

(See also , the company monopolising the internet since 2009 while claiming they are "Helping to build a better internet" (seriously its their mantra) and ())

#creditscores #covidResponse #TheInternet #wikileaks #bitcoin #cloudflare #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc #buildBackBetterSlavery

Last updated 3 years ago


The year most spent talking about while stole trillions from their nose via the .

Good riddence.

#covidResponse #corporateState #moneyPump #bailouts

Last updated 3 years ago

Oh yeah, are openly torturing now, they know they can get away with it because everyone is in -silos and -divided.

We know mentally challenged people who are more sensible.

Today someone said, I like that F'book shows me stuff I need and DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT." Runs away like a child. A grown adult wearing a mask outside.

#NATOAlliance #assange #dopamine #covidResponse

Last updated 3 years ago


Corporations and corrupt have benefitted from division too. While we are "lockedDown" and atomised they have unlocked more (previously) criminal revenue streams such as those from and other . It bears repeating, fraud and (aka ) is being under and mis-reported due to the .

Lying is wrong. We cannot use to help our . In fact corporations haveā€¦ 3/4

@strypey @bob

#CEOs #covidResponse #stockBuybacks #fraud #economicGerrymandering #cronyism #medicalTheatre #covid #environment

Last updated 3 years ago

These , what would you say they are today?

Those who are against authoritarian covid response, and those against the less medically experimented upon?

By restricting the frame to it keeps the focus of the crimes, including the against Assange etc.

They are also known to maintain sects, that they can roll out against effective progressives. We suspect are part of this "support" structure.

#smallDifferences #covidResponse #whiteCollar #miscarriagesOfJustice #extremeright #cloudflare

Last updated 3 years ago