Ok how unusual is it to be 12(me)/16(my wife) days in, feeling worse not better and still testing positive?
#covid #covid_nsw #covidaus #covidaustralia
#COVIDIsNotOver #IShareYourAir #LeftBehindByLabor #COVID_NSW #Covid19_AU #NoCOVIDHerdImmunity #ImmunityDebtIsALie #GettingInfectedDoesntPreventInfection
#CovidIsNotOver #ishareyourair #leftbehindbylabor #covid_nsw #covid19_au #nocovidherdimmunity #immunitydebtisalie #gettinginfecteddoesntpreventinfection
#COVIDIsNotOver #IShareYourAir #LeftBehindByLabor #COVID_NSW #Covid19_AU #NoCOVIDHerdImmunity #ImmunityDebtIsALie #GettingInfectedDoesntPreventInfection
#CovidIsNotOver #ishareyourair #leftbehindbylabor #covid_nsw #covid19_au #nocovidherdimmunity #immunitydebtisalie #gettinginfecteddoesntpreventinfection
#wtf #covid
@elektra just tested positive with a #RAT 15 days after first testing positive. She did 2 rats before returning to work, she was clear. I did one on Monday I was too.
We've got some great advice so far about #LongCovid. How is this possible? Is it a reinfection? Different strain? Or is it possible for the virus to reassert itself?
#wtf #covid #rat #LongCovid #COVID19 #covid_nsw #covidaustralia #covidxmas #RapidAntigenTest
#LongCovid folks! My wife @elektra tested positive 2 weeks ago, went back to work yesterday. She's got a nasty asthma cough and is still very fatigued. I keep telling her that if she "pushes through" she's going to end up with long COVID. She thinks I'm talking through my bum. It's a new job, she wants to tough it out.
Please let us know what *you* think!
#LongCovid #covid #covid_nsw #COVID19 #mecfs #spoonie
A cruise ship suspected of carrying as many as 1500 COVID-19 positive passengers is set to dock in Sydney this morning. The Celebrity Eclipse is carrying about 3000 people, about half of whom are believed to be carrying the virus. Here we go again... #COVID_NSW #groundhogday #boganState #Covid19_AU #COVID19nsw #RubyPrincess
#covid_nsw #groundhogday #boganstate #covid19_au #covid19nsw #RubyPrincess
Yesterday, 5 cars were stuck at Blue Mountains Hospital. This sort of bed block leaves communities in the mountains so vulnerable. Cars having to come up from Penrith and, more and more frequently, down from Lithgow, to cover work.
#Covid19_AU #COVIDIsNotOver #CovidIsFarFromOver #IShareYourAir #WearAMask #COVID_NSW
#covid19_au #CovidIsNotOver #covidisfarfromover #ishareyourair #WearAMask #covid_nsw