Behind some of these critical host evasion strategies is the accessory protein Open Reading Frame 8 (ORF8), which has gained recognition in #SarsCoV2 pathogenesis due to its hypervariability, secretory property, and unique structure.
#CovidIsNotOver #covidairborne #MaskUpπ·
#SarsCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #covidairborne #MaskUp
#IDMastodon #covidairborne @ERSpublications In hospitalised #COVID19 patients, air pollution exposure predicted duration of stay and #ICU admission, which implies that air pollution exposure influences COVID-19 severity and therefore the burden on medical care systems during the #COVID19pandemic
#IDMastodon #covidairborne #COVID19 #ICU #COVID19pandemic
πMore mixing in crowded indoor areas, with poor ventilation, and few effective masks worn.
πWinter wave now higher than Autumn wave.
@Join_ZOE UK latest:
π3,225,359 now predicted with symptomatic #Covid19
π265,679 estimated new daily infections.
#CovidAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
#covid19 #covidairborne #CovidIsNotOver