It's great news that the active cases have dropped and the recovery rate is increasing. We need to keep up the safety protocols to keep this trend going. Vaccination is the key to protecting our people from Covid.
#CovidCases #CountryDip
The national COVID-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 98.81%, according to the health ministry website
#CovidCases #CountryDip
The death toll has climbed to 5,31,891 with three deaths which includes one reconciled by Kerala, the data updated at 8 am stated
#CovidCases #CountryDecrease
@kentparkstreet @Susan60 Awful for you. I can't begin to imagine how horrible not being able to taste or smell food would be.
Ive had it too, since covid last April, my asthma is worse.
It's a nasty little disease and my GP has told me i need to do what i can to avoid getting it again. It goes to ppl's "weak spots". So I'm still wearing masks in busy/confined spaces with no fresh air source.
Its everywhere again atm. Here in VIC 10,600+ and that would only be a fraction of the real number. Ppl don't test properly or report officially anymore
The Covid case tally was recorded at 4.49 crore (4,49,84,923) The active cases now comprise 0.02% of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 98.79%
#CovidCases #CountryDip
Global News BC: B.C. government to make announcement about hospitals and patients #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BChospitalscapacity #BcHospitalCapacity #KrakenSubvariant #HealthcareinBC #BCKrakencases #BChealthcare #COVIDcasesbc #BChospital #covidcases #FlucasesBC #RSVcasesBC #Health #Flu #rsv
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bchospitalscapacity #bchospitalcapacity #krakensubvariant #healthcareinbc #bckrakencases #BChealthcare #covidcasesbc #bchospital #covidcases #flucasesbc #rsvcasesbc #health #flu #rsv
Global News BC: COVID-19: Test positivity, cases in hospitals trending upward in B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #covidhospitalization #bccoronavirus #bccovidupdate #COVIDhospital #covidvaccine #COVIDupdate #covidcases #bccovid #Health #COVID
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #covidhospitalization #bccoronavirus #bccovidupdate #COVIDhospital #covidvaccine #COVIDupdate #covidcases #bccovid #health #covid