;Honestly, the #pandemic started to become a chore, like going to school where you don't get to choose your subjects. And you MUST keep up with your homework in order to #StaySafe and it's exhausting, especially if your friends have all dropped out and are partying.
I know PLENTY of #CovidCautious who are up on the homework and WANT to share with you so you can be safe too. Got questions?
No shame. No yelling. No dismissiveness ("you do you").
#pandemic #staysafe #covidcautious #masksarecool #seattle #covidisnotover
I'm seeing a huge amount of apathy, frustration, giving up, etc etc from #CovidCautious out there.
I get it. I really do. I have moments.
But right now...
We're having a surge! (Big surprise, huh?) but they're actually talking about wearing @Masks on MSM. Some employers are mandating them. (I know, about time)
BUT consider this...
There are people scared of #Covid / #LongCovid AND scared of Masking.
Offer your help without doing *Kermit flailing arms gif*.
#covidcautious #covid #longcovid #covidisnotover
'This highlights the problem of "living with the #virus".
via @ShairaLeiza
#virus #covidcautious #wearamask #covidisnotover
I have 3 things to add to this:
1. While I appreciate that the article doesn't seem to be downplaying #Covid, and #Mask ing, they DO talk about ***DROPLETS*** when we all know it's aerosols and those do not drop out of the air after 6+ feet.
2. If anyone can make the masses shift to being #CovidCautious, #TaylorSwift & her #Swifties are big enough to do so I think
3. I forgot. *grumbles something about #LongCovid* I'll edit & add if I remember.
#covid #mask #covidcautious #taylorswift #swifties #longcovid #covidisnotover #covidisairborne
A detailed analysis of the claim we no longer have excess deaths #covid #CovidIsNotOver #Covid19 #CovidCautious https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/looks-like-someones-been-moving-the?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=492821&post_id=135266643&isFreemail=true&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MjU1NDU2LCJwb3N0X2lkIjoxMzUyNjY2NDMsImlhdCI6MTY4OTc2NTk0MiwiZXhwIjoxNjkyMzU3OTQyLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNDkyODIxIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.ZsTmr9Jzy50xd8jX7ZmU4pW7qM0iQwTYdpW1VpV2lzA&utm_medium=email
#COVID #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #covidcautious
You'll have to forgive me but I think all headlines are clickbaity.
Yes, doing the tests 3 times over 48 hours is better, the fact is, most people do (I hate this phrase) "one and done". Conventions who are returning to being more #CovidCautious require a neg(-) RAT test. Family or friends getting together who think they are being Covid Cautious all take a test. One. The important takeaway then IMO is that if you're asymptomatic, you're almost guaranteed to test neg(-).
Mainstream media in Canada ACTUALLY finally admitting the truth that #COVIDisNotOver
Lindsay Biscaia (news anchor/reporter) on CP24 saying “we’re not out of the pandemic yet”.
I appreciate this SO much especially as an #immunocompromised person who is still being #COVIDcautious 🥺
#CovidIsNotOver #immunocompromised #covidcautious #covidisntover #BringBackMasks
"Covid-conscious therapists" listing site!
Includes both people who'll do tele-health appointments and people who take sensible precautions in person.
#MentalHealth #therapy #CovidCareful #CovidCautious #CovidConscious
#mentalhealth #therapy #covidcareful #covidcautious #covidconscious
Seeking a few more players for a beginner-friendly, any-musical-level, #CovidCareful string orchestra for Nottingham!
If you play, or would LIKE to play,
• violin
• viola
• cello
• bass
& you either want to be covid-careful yourself, or don't mind masking to help others...
then this might be the orchestra for you!
Please boost for reach, esp if you know people in England :-)
#music #orchestra
#CovidCautious #CovidIsAirborne #masks #Masks4All #LongCovid #disability
#covidcareful #music #orchestra #covidcautious #COVIDisAirborne #masks #masks4all #LongCovid #disability
Sometimes I wish their was some intelligent, clever conspiracy, some true greedy but smart villain behind all the covid-denialism out there... Instead of weak, ignorant, shallow, irrational, scared, maladaptive idiots with no logical plan and no victory for anyone in their actions. Intelligence, care (including self-care), winning, strength, is #masking #CleanAir #covidcautious #health
#masking #cleanair #covidcautious #health
It's far from human use, but if you're #covidCautious maybe you can benefit from a little glimmer of hope like I am:
Found a couple more #covidCautious websites. Also not super utilized, but there's some stuff there and it may help some folks!
This specifically for businesses (Canada or the US):
This specifically for dentists (International):
#CovidCareful / #CovidCautious crowd, what masks do you use and where do you get them?
Hey again fellow #covidCautious folks.
I've tried a couple times to look up info on one way masking when the potentially infected person is the one wearing a mask.
I've been finding stuff about one way masking if you're the only one wearing a mask, but that's not what I'm looking for.
My best friend has started to branch out and do a few activities that are too high risk for me, so we're masking around each other. I want to know if it's reasonably safe for me to be unmasked and eating in my own space if he is wearing a KN95.
Anyone have any infographics or articles on this?
Still gradually making progress!
and still interested in connecting with more musicians & would-be musicians! Never too late to start :-)
Also been thinking more about possible roles for non-musicians who just like the idea of supporting covid-careful events.
#nottingham #music #covidcareful #covidcautious
It's occurring to me that if/when the new orchestra has a little concert, that could be a lovely outing for anyone _else_ in the Nottingham area who's being covid-careful!
So I should be looking out for "covid-careful people in general", too, even if they've got no interest in playing. Hmm.
#nottingham #covidcareful #covidcautious
My brain is full of trying to work out where I can find the other local people interested in covid-careful events :-)
For the #CovidCautious, it was mostly empty. Aside from my small group, there were only two other visitors there, along with a handful of other visitors. That said, we were the only ones masked. While I do think seeing the works in person was amazing, you can also see most of the exhibit online here: https://www.bgc.bard.edu/exhibitions/exhibitions/117/n-a
Anyone got friends around the #Nottingham area?
This new string #orchestra is almost ready to launch, welcoming beginners, learners, "rusty returners", and experienced players who want to be #CovidCareful.
We're now at the point where just another dozen or so players would make it financially viable!
Can you help me to reach those people?
Do you know anyone who plays #violin, #viola, #cello or double #bass - or who might like to try?
Boosts very much appreciated!
#nottingham #orchestra #covidcareful #violin #viola #cello #bass #music #uk #covidcautious