@MichRVer shared a $1/ea (min 25) rapid test sale! Thank you!! I've never used this brand and have no idea if it's showing current variants well but probably still worth it as test costs is a barrier for many right now. It may be worth stocking up to give ones to friends and family or local mutual aid groups / mask blocs https://zeroes.ca/@MichRVer/111037916984984474
@novid #CovidIsNotOver #stillCOVIDing #COVIDcautious #covidconscious #covidaware #ZeroCovid
#CovidIsNotOver #stillCOVIDing #COVIDcautious #covidconscious #covidaware #ZeroCovid
#Aranet4 CO2 monitor is $169 on Amazon right now!
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #COVIDcautious #covidconscious #covidaware #stillCOVIDing #ZeroCovid
#Aranet4 #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #COVIDcautious #covidconscious #covidaware #stillCOVIDing #ZeroCovid
Collectif et bientôt association, nous luttons pour une autodéfense sanitaire et l'application de stratégies de réduction de risques face au covid, que ce soit par la sensibilisation, diffusion d'informations, distribution de masques, fabrication, vente et prêts de purificateurs d'air.
#MaskUp #AutodéfenseSanitaire #CovidConscious #Covid #Covid19
#COVID19 #COVID #covidconscious #autodefensesanitaire #MaskUp
This is such a neat set of resources for newbie Mastodon users like myself, and for #COVIDcautious #covidconscious #covidaware users migrating from the social network formerly known as Twitter, thanks @zeroes!
#COVIDcautious #covidconscious #covidaware
"Covid-conscious therapists" listing site!
Includes both people who'll do tele-health appointments and people who take sensible precautions in person.
#MentalHealth #therapy #CovidCareful #CovidCautious #CovidConscious
#mentalhealth #therapy #covidcareful #covidcautious #covidconscious
Some sales + resources for US-based #COVIDcautious #covidconscious #stillCOVIDing folks #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask
https://shop.vaulthealth.com/products/acon-rapid-unsupervised - Flowflex rapid tests expiring in October/November for <$4/ea (with the code in site banner).
https://www.costco.com/flowflex-at-home-covid-test-kit,-5-test-pack.product.100825502.html - (probably?) newer stock Flowflex - 5 tests for $31.
https://www.protectly.co/ - protectly has benehal and medline n95 masks $6 for a box of 20 + a 10% code when signed up for sms alerts.
https://www.armbrustusa.com/collections/fourth-of-july-sale-2023 - Armbrust has some masks on sale $17.76/box. "wildfire_25" for 25% off
https://bonafidemasks.com/ - "trust" for 25% off bonafide masks
https://bloxdirect.com/ - $.25/ea n95s (caveat- shipping is pricey)
https://fastlabtech.com/ - I have to look into this more but possibly a way to keep a PCR kit on hand, self swab, then mail in? My first PCR after the PHE ended involved doing the test in a crowded Walgreens pharmacy waiting area (and that was my only local option) so this seems MUCH better.
https://hidrb.com/covid - a telehealth option (that doesn't require video calls!) to get a paxlovid RX if you have a positive rapid, NAAT, or PCR test.
#COVIDcautious #covidconscious #stillCOVIDing #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask
I caught my kid's mild cold (PCR neg for COVID/flu) 2 wks ago. The 1st week I coughed so much I vomitted. 2nd week still coughing frequently esp when I try to talk. Mostly trying to avoid pneumonia at this point and trying to sleep through the night.
imagine if this was COVID. Which almost no one around cares about anymore. This is why I'm still #CovidConscious and #WearAMask
After 3 years or searching, it looks like the dyson zone might be what i need for an accessible mask as someone born without a jaw.
Of course abled people are whining about it saying it’s useless and doesn’t work (without hard evidence) like they always do with products that benefit disabled people. They have a continual insufferable need to be centered in new product releases.
The only thing i think Dyson needs to do is update their inbuilt sensor so it can sense smoke particles. It doesn’t seem to do that.
Oh and the price is really high.
Other than that…
#dyson #DysonZone #disability #covid #covidconscious #CovidIsntOver
#dyson #DysonZone #disability #covid #covidconscious #CovidIsntOver
Don't forget to mask both indoors & outdoors, darlings!
✨ Mask for you; Mask for me! ✨
#CovidIsNotOver #covidconscious #WearAMask #disability #disabled #LongCovid #stillmasking #MaskForYouMaskForMe
#maskforyoumaskforme #stillmasking #LongCovid #disabled #disability #WearAMask #covidconscious #CovidIsNotOver
@CharityFeb Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
@c_9 Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
@AnnAguirre Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
@namd4kids Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
@dianor Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
Hey #LongCOVID & #covidconscious community! We have a petition up to keep masking mandatory in healthcare facilities! Please sign & share. bit.ly/hcfmasking
En dan mag het slapen nu dat toch echt aan gaan vangen.
Ik was even mijn assertiviteit oefenen. ✔️😁
Met de #AraNet4 in de hand naar de receptie om te klagen over de luchtkwaliteit/ te vragen of ik ergens een schakelaar had gemist. (Serieus, ik ben echt geen mauwer) 1840co2 ppm nadat ik 3 uur op de kamer was.
Nu heb ik dus een grotere kamer met raam dat open kan.
(En de jongen van de receptie wil nu ook een aranet.) #CovidConscious #winning
#winning #covidconscious #AraNet4
RT @covidisntover
Join the Still Coviding Weekly Hangout, every Sat 8-11 PM EST, for an opportunity to connect & build community with others who are #covidcautious #covidsafe #covidconscious! There are over 20 breakout rooms w/ different topics to choose from. More info in bio link. #covidisntover
#COVIDcautious #COVIDSafe #covidconscious #covidisntover