Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
274 followers · 501 posts · Server lgbtqia.space

So, I matched with someone who said in her bio, but she goes to concerts unmasked. I get that everything is a risk and sometimes people will prioritize certain high risk activities while still taking precautions in other areas of life, but...I don't know.

Stray observations:
-People wearing masks in their pictures seems to be a sign that they haven't updated their profile in a while rather than indicating that they're still masking.

-There's a pleasantly surprising number of women who are 30+ who openly admit on their profiles that they're recently out as queer and new to dating women, and I both admire and envy their courage.

-I feel like fewer and fewer people bother to write anything on their dating profiles these days. I know people have been complaining about that since the dawn of dating apps, but I feel like it's recently gotten worse? I have no problem messaging people first—back when I was only dating men, sometimes I'd message them first—but I need something to craft an opening message around, even if it's something banal or small.

#covidisnotover #covid #pandemic #coviddating #pandemicdating #lgbtq #lgbtqdating #queerdating #comingoutasanadult #wearamask

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
259 followers · 433 posts · Server lgbtqia.space

Meeting someone whose life is totally different from my own but in all the ways I wish my life could have been is such a strange experience.

I feel as though I have nothing in common with this person, yet I want to be close to them, as though proximity will confer some sort of glamor or worthiness onto me, some proof that, perhaps with just a slightly different twist of fate, I could have been permitted into that golden world they're part of.

Yet I also feel vaguely creepy about this attraction, because I feel like I'm romanticizing another person's trauma? But I've always envied the people with visible scars, when my own are too deeply hidden and so easily disregarded and dismissed.

#randomthoughts #randommusings #datingapps #pandemicdating #coviddating #lgbtqdating #lgbtq #sapphic #sapphicyearning #trauma

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
245 followers · 258 posts · Server lgbtqia.space

There's something about being on a dating app in a that feels so...anachronistic. It's like it's out of sync with time.

That old world where your phone suddenly brought hundreds of strangers and the possibilities they represented feels dead. I'm no longer entranced at the thought of swiping through tedious profiles and texting small talk to people who I expect will reject me the moment I bring up my precautions.

I want to ask what's keeping people going as we watch the world we know burn and crumble. I want to know what someone's plan for the fascist apocalypse is. I want to know how you treat others, especially people very different than yourself.

#pandemic #covid #dating #pandemicdating #coviddating #covidcautious #covidisnotover #wearamask

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
242 followers · 236 posts · Server lgbtqia.space

I just did a reading about this situation that said I shouldn't waste my loyalty on people who don't appreciate me, and honestly, the reason why I only had one date with this woman, as gorgeous as she is, is because she was kind of condescending about my being newly out, and that rubbed me the wrong way at the time. So I'm going to interpret this as I shouldn't like her back. Also, if she's not doing the basics of wearing a mask in indoor public spaces, I can't imagine a relationship or a friendship going very far with her.

#tarot #covidcautious #coviddating #pandemic #pandemicdating #lgbtq #queerdating

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
147 followers · 703 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I keep coming back to this article, "Romantic Is Killing Us: thebodyisnotanapology.com/maga

"I have never felt incomplete or alone without a romantic partner, but...I recognize that these [ ] benefits are not purely financial or physical. They are about daily and mundane interpersonal interactions of reciprocity. In short: investment, and care."

#love #romantic #covid #pandemic #dating #coviddating #abolishthefamily #familyabolition #single

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
128 followers · 524 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I have this fantasy of a bunch of single people coming together and doing, like, a reading group about ways to radically re-imagine , , and , because the has deprived us of these things, and I feel like no one's talking about it, not really. I know people who talk about it on an individual level, but I also want to talk about it on a structural, systemic level and I feel so alone in that

#COVIDcautious #family #relationships #community #pandemic #single #pandemicdating #coviddating #familyabolition

Last updated 2 years ago