Lydia Conwell :mastodon: · @lydiaconwell
831 followers · 7795 posts · Server

The whole BS is literally BS touted by liberals and conservatives. The further left you go, does not turn you into someone on the far right. People just say that to put people off socialism.

However, the whole really exposed some people who claimed to be on the left. I think what they confuse for left wing beliefs is just they natural contrary nature: they're against anything mainstream.


#coviddenialism #horseshoe

Last updated 1 year ago

Woah Duderino · @woahduderino
188 followers · 1351 posts · Server

Was thinking about how my two favorite anti-vaxx conspiracies, ivermectin and “vaccines make you magnetic,” are just soooo lazy. Ivermectin doesn’t work to treat viruses and instead tears up your digestive tract and vaccines don’t turn people into magnets. It’s just silly, silly shit for the unintelligent.

#antivaxxers #coviddenialism

Last updated 1 year ago

joe•iuculano :mastodon: · @iuculano
520 followers · 14596 posts · Server

Yup, they've gone full

« This week, host and frequent guest  wrote on the  that “needs a .” Kelly’s assertion, part of a dialogue that included  and warnings about “monstrous ,” was met with an equally chilling declaration that he quickly agreed with: “Weimar problems eventually lead to solutions.”»

#nazi #radio #foxnews #jessekelly #birdsite #america #dictator #coviddenialism #communists #weimar #republicansaretheproblem #throatpunchanazitoday #stopnazism #stopfascism

Last updated 1 year ago

As always, great, ongoing covid information available at this site. Thank you!! Covid denialism is hitting new highs with an assist from willing governments abandoning their public health care responsibilities. Just because we are tired of covid, doesn't mean the virus cares about that. It doesn't!!!!

Pandemic Roundup: May 18, 2023 | Patreon

A few "highlights" from the newsletter:

“Total US deaths per 100K from 2020-March of 2023 broken down into five-year averages 2020-2019. 2023 is already on track for ~400K more deaths than the average of 2015-2019 per year, even though we are told the pandemic is over. That’s a shocker.” [Gregory Travis]""

“Researchers in Brazil found people who had mild COVID-19 symptoms showed ‘persistent cognitive impairment’ months post-infection, where some were complaining of bumping into things or not being able to park the car due to altered depth perception and visual processing. ‘Everybody was worried about severe COVID, but the number of people with mild COVID is four times higher.’ …Researchers found 1 in 4 showed significant cognitive impairment in visuoconstruction skills — the visual ability to spatially reproduce designs or patterns — matching the increased levels of inflammation they were seeing on blood panels as well as in neuroimaging.” [Brain Facts]"

Jonathan Howard MD: “Feedback from a reader of We Want Them Infected. Chapter 7 is doctors declaring the pandemic over nearly every month of the pandemic, mocking those who doubted herd immunity had arrived (…)”

"Right now in the US — and several other countries — we’ve just been cut off from data access for covid risk assessment in our communities (as well as places we may need to travel to). At the same time, all covid protections have been stripped and most of us have over six months of waned vaccine immunity. This means that even if cases were low, and I don’t have a reason to believe they are, our individual risk is quite high.
Regular readers here know that case numbers — and hospitalizations, as well as ICU numbers — have been wildly inaccurate undercounts since PCR testing infrastructure was dismantled in Spring 2022.
We also knew that with the bizarre phrasing choices of “died with” covid vs. “died of” covid, plus covid not being reported on death certificates as an underlying cause, meant that US covid death counts are also farcically lower than the reality.
Last week, CDC put the nail in many coffins by removing case data and the transmission map...I’m reminded of covid during the Trump era, when Dr. Eric Topol wrote, horrified, that we were “flying blind.” Now I’m amazed that it can be so much worse.

After testing was dismantled in Spring 2022, I began moving our risk assessment emphasis from official, artificially low case counts to more reliable measurement tools and observational trends. We will continue to track covid and estimate covid risk with wastewater, R number, variant dominance, Walgreens test positivity, trends (including historical, contextual, variants, and holidays).

Here is some general covid risk advice. Wastewater levels [Biobot; SCAN] should be compared to previous readings when data like case counts were more accurate. Like during 2021 — Delta (8/4/2021-10/6/21; 548.4 units/mL; 170,000 new cases/day). Per wastewater data, weekly US covid transmission the past year has been 28.9% higher than during the Delta wave...Variant dominance also shows how rapid spread is happening; previous variants are conferring little to no protection to new variants, so if a new one is taking over it means we can expect everyone to be getting sick and spreading covid again. Then there are holidays and other events; for instance, right now, after Mother’s Day here in the US, you should expect higher risk when you go out because more people will be infected right now."

"Overall the US has the same transmission, per wastewater, as the second week of February 2021 (02/2021 total known US cases: 2.5 million). CDC at that time said, “Don’t let your guard (or mask) down.”
”It seems the Biden regime is taking the former president’s advice “If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, actually“. This dramatic decrease in transmission in the past 6 months is a symptom of privatization of testing and abandonment of tracking and tracing measures, rather than an accurate portrayal of the current state of COVID in the US...National and regional wastewater levels are 2-5 times higher than they were at the low point in summer 2021.”
Hospital inpatient bed count remains around 73% full."

–The government giving up on COVID protections means throwing immunocompromised people to the wolves [Salon]""

#covid #COVIDIOTS #coviddenialism

Last updated 1 year ago

Phoole · @phoole
102 followers · 526 posts · Server