@DaywalkingRedhead @MaJ1 @Babcia54 He/They will likely get away with it - since the system is corrupt & rot is from the top. However, they're not getting away with it very easily & I'm going to be a big thorn in their #antimasking #CovidEugenics side for at least a year, trying to pursue some justice. Maybe it's enough to make them not pull abuses of power on immunocompromised families in the future.
#antimasking #covideugenics #asianmastodon #disabledrights #covidsafety
#Covideugenics #ProtectTheImmunocompromised #CleanTheAir #eugenics #Primaryimmunodeficiency #LongCOVID #CovidDamagesYourImmuneSystem #CovidDamagesYourHeart #Coviddamagesyourorgans
#covideugenics #ProtectTheImmunocompromised #CleanTheAir #eugenics #Primaryimmunodeficiency #LongCOVID #coviddamagesyourimmunesystem #coviddamagesyourheart #coviddamagesyourorgans
@gwensnyder I know firmly believe that the Covid lack of response is eugenics. Getting rid of old people and the disabled is a cost cutting measure. Less SSI and SSID payments. We are expendable because we no longer labor for the billionaires. #Covid #CovidEugenics