NOT THE VACCINE--Since 2020, there have been 30% more heart attack deaths in ppl between the ages of 25-44 compared to the expected number. Date shows #COVID19 infections are to blame, NOT vaccines. Heart attacks in 45--64 were up 19% over the expected number due to #COVIDINFECTIONS
#ItIsNotOver #Covid #China #1MillionCasesPerDay
#China is likely experiencing 1 million #Covidinfections and 5,000 virus #deaths every day as it grapples with the virus anew.
The situation could get even worse for the country of 1.4 billion people. This current #wave may see the daily case rate rise to 3.7 million in #January. There’ll likely then be another surge of infections that will push the daily peak to 4.2 million in #March, the group estimated.
#itisnotover #COVID #china #1millioncasesperday #covidinfections #deaths #wave #january #march
What good is a #SmartHome? #Ventilation is important to prevent #CovidInfections. As I was exposed a little under two weeks ago, figuring out how #WellVentilated my house is has been on my mind.
#CO2Level is a useful proxy for ventilation (NOT for risk of infection!). I’ve been occasionally ventilating the house by opening windows and cranking fans for an hour.
Smart home says 15 minutes is probably enough. Remember that environmental CO2 levels are in the low 400s worldwide.
#smarthome #ventilation #covidinfections #wellventilated #co2level