RT @SteveKi26118430@twitter.com
Everything we owned was sold off by the Tories over the years, it made them richer but our country poorer. All that's left to sell off to themselves, is OUR NHS! we as a country must make a stand and say NO. #GeneralElectionNow #EnoughIsEnough #CovidInquiryNow #KeepNHSFree
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SteveKi26118430/status/1604065501235265538
#generalelectionnow #enoughisenough #covidinquirynow #keepnhsfree
RT @Charles83230639@twitter.com
Really! Are we actually still trusting the disgraced health minister @MattHancock@twitter.com with any targets? 🙄🦠🤢🤮 #CovidInquiryNow #WalkTheWall #KatiePersinger https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1598518491333599232
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Charles83230639/status/1598518491333599232
#katiepersinger #walkthewall #covidinquirynow