Xavier Hugonet (@HugonetX): "Une bonne nouvelle, quand-même, Henri Joyeux, #antivax (tout vaccin - pas juste le SARS-CoV-2), radié une nouvelle fois par le conseil de l'ordre jusqu'à fin 2024 Ii aura alors passé les 80 ans. Encore un #charlatan de moins Au suivant ! #Covidiot https://www.egora.fr/actus-pro/deontologie/82112-propos-antivax-le-pr-joyeux-sanctionne-de-deux-ans-d-interdiction-d" | nitter
Ohio Doc Who Said COVID-19 Vaccine Was ‘Magnetic’ #Suspended Indefinitely
> Sherri Tenpenny refused to cooperate with investigators during their inquiry, a medical board revealed Wednesday.
#Ohio #covidiot #COVIDVaccine #suspended #FAFO
'Nur ein Pieks' :blobfoxeyes:
#corona #covid #covid19 #covidisnotover #covidiot #grüne #gruene #spd #fdp #lauterbach #fake #fakenews
#fakenews #fake #lauterbach #fdp #spd #gruene #grune #covidiot #covidisnotover #covid19 #covid #corona
COVID minimizer Dr. Leana Wen mentions (like it's NBD) that she was recently hospitalized for pneumonia. https://twitter.com/GaloresCircus/status/1674405325447806977 #covidiot
RT @sbamueller
#Freiburg Anti-#Covidiot Activist Joachim Sauter walking in front of the #coronadenyer protest with a a sign demanding “Peace, Freedom and democracy for #Ukraine” as well as “Send Putin to The Hague” showing #solidaritywithukraine against people who side with #LumpenPazifismus
#freiburg #covidiot #coronadenyer #ukraine #SolidarityWithUkraine #LumpenPazifismus
#dramaticreading #stupid #cringe #cringey #cringy #wtf #funny #lol #boneappleteeth #stupidsigns #baddesign #signs #engrish #vaccine #vaccineswork #covidiot #covidiots
#dramaticreading #stupid #cringe #cringey #cringy #wtf #funny #lol #boneappleteeth #stupidsigns #BadDesign #signs #engrish #vaccine #vaccineswork #covidiot #COVIDIOTS
The man is a danger to the public with his #covidiot disinformation, a danger to taxpayers with his lobbying + a danger to democracy with his failure to follow #nolanprinciples... he also lied in court
Typical Tory MP then
#toryscumout #covidiot #nolanprinciples #enoughisenough
Just what the...? 🤦♂️...
""Because I don't want to change my holiday plan," he explains, "and I could make sure I recovered and won't be infected again during the holiday if I intentionally control the time I get infected." He admits he did not expect the muscle aches that came with the infection, but says the symptoms have been largely as expected."
#china #covid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #covidiot
RT @Adrian11192493@twitter.com
Oh, das gefällt mir, das ist super:
#AfD #AfDmachtDumm #SVP #Putinknechte #Covidiots2022 #COVIDIOT #Querdenker #Schwurbler #Wirhabenmitgemacht @KoeppelRoger@twitter.com @J_Todenhoefer@twitter.com @andreas_glarner@twitter.com @SWagenknecht@twitter.com @Alice_Weidel@twitter.com @Tino_Chrupalla@twitter.com @BjoernHoecke@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Adrian11192493/status/1610377375350505474
#afd #afdmachtdumm #svp #Putinknechte #covidiots2022 #covidiot #querdenker #schwurbler #Wirhabenmitgemacht
I got myself a twitter suspension for hoping that Desmond Swayne got a bad dose of covid or flu which needed hospitalisation, in order for him to see the merits of #wearamask and the extent of ruination the #Toriesunfittogovern caused the #NHS
Never had suspension before. If I'd referred to him as a fecking irresponsible #covidiot halfwit, I'd have been okay. I only wished him a trip to hospital - was that really bad of me?
#WearAMask #ToriesUnfitToGovern #nhs #covidiot
@AngharadHafod Christ on a bike, she can't help herself, can she? First she thinks cancelling Netflix and never eating avocado on toast will buy you a house, now she's a virologist. What a weapons-grade twat. Looking at houses on telly must be more intellectually demanding than I thought.
Except it isn't. #CovIdiot #UKPoliltics #Cymru #Covid
#COVID #cymru #ukpoliltics #covidiot
@NationCymru because of course she'd know better than actual health professionals.
Good thread.
Either you are a #Covidiot or you want to protect yourself and others
RT @luckmann2008@twitter.com
Wer Covid für eine Atemwegserkrankung hält, ist schlecht informiert. Wer Covid für einen Schnupfen hält, ist schlecht informiert. Wer denkt, da muss man halt durch, ist schlecht informiert. Wer denkt, man müsse mit Covid leben, ist schlecht informiert. Wer denkt impfen reicht,
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/luckmann2008/status/1606269122966261760
RT @SusanChubb1@twitter.com
@rec777777@twitter.com @BBCNews@twitter.com People that think like you also : Failed to raise the alarm on Tory underfunding & privatisation of NHS. Deny it. Denied Covid . Clapped, but Refused vaccines, masks, Refused boosters. #Covidiot denial. #FakenurseSusan tweets. Blame the nurses now. That kind of ‘support’?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SusanChubb1/status/1603668196648783873
It looks like #SimonSchuster Simon & Schuster have decided to publish the work of a dangerous #COVIDiot #crank promoting a drug that does not work for COVID.
#simonschuster #covidiot #crank