Back from a dental cleaning. Dentist and all assistants masked. HEPA air cleaners in every exam room. Dentists get it. #Covidisairbourne #CovidIsNotOver
#covidisairbourne #CovidIsNotOver
No matter what the scientists and experts on the field say, the #Antivaxxers #COVIDIOTS and #Freedumbers will always be that ... cynical disinformation rumormongers!
#LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #covidisairbourne #freedumbers #COVIDIOTS #antivaxxers
One of the only COVID-19-prevention tools meant for the roughly 3% of Americans who are immunocompromised—albeit one that was never widely used—is off the table. “Immunocompromised Americans are screwed,” says Matthew Cortland, a senior fellow at the progressive think tank Data for Progress whose work focuses on disability, and who is immunocompromised.
#CovidIsAirbourne #Immunocompromise
#immunocompromise #covidisairbourne
🎶So alone I keep the wolves at bay,
And there's only one thing I can say,
You didn't mask for me,
No not at all,
You didn't mask for thee,
No way.
You must explain,
Why this must be. 🎶
#COVID #COVID19 #covidisairbourne
🎶So alone I keep the wolves at bay,
And there's only one thing I can say,
You didn't mask for me,
No not at all,
You didn't mask for thee,
No not at all.
You must explain,
Why this must be. 🎶
#COVID #COVID19 #covidisairbourne
No matter how bad the pandemic gets, it's never too late.
They want you to give up, that's why they say it's too late.
We can undo any damage done. The virus can't beat physics, it isn't magical. We can beat #sars2 and viruses like it.
Get back into the fight, find a way to recharge, push back on the inevitability of suffering for generations to come.
#SARS2 #covid #covid19 #LongCOVID #CovidIsNotOver #nottoolate #COVIDisAirborne #covidisairbourne #BringBackMasks
New #Covid strain is the most transmissible yet, WHO says - POLITICO
"Test before attending large gatherings or before meeting with elderly or immunocompromised people and to wear a high-quality mask in crowded indoor spaces."
#XBB #corona #COVID19 #covidisairbourne
#covid #xbb #corona #COVID19 #covidisairbourne
@JugglingWithEggs Stuff the ‘looks’ sweetie. I wore a mask for 12.5 hours everyday (thankfully, out of that for a while) but have continued to wear a mask when shopping/flying/indoor spaces.
If anyone gets snippy with you, tell them you’ve just finished your shift on the #COVID ward 😮💨
#covidisntoverbecausegovtssayignore #covidisairbourne #COVID
My vitamin D levels were too high from my most recent bloodwork.
I’m prescribed vitamin D3 because I have MS and there’s data to support it’s efficacy.
Really curious how many people who are taking it off recommendations from anti-vaxxers know to check their levels regularly.
I’m guessing diet changes, more time walking outside trying to lower my cholesterol played a part in raising my levels.
#covidisairbourne #disabilities
@celtic_chick Thanks. I'll keep doing what I can. 7000K+ fewer followers kinda puts a dent on the messaging, but there's no quit in this stubborn mule!🐴
#MaskUp #maskingforothers #WearAMask #covidisairbourne #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19
It’s absolutely criminal that mask mandates have still not returned yet. #BringBackMasks #BringBackMaskMandates #wearamask #WearAMaskPlease #MaskUpN95 #maskup #WearARespiraror #n95 #p100 #covidisntover #covid #CovidIsAirbourne #COVIDisAirborne #BetterMasks #covidisnotover #WearADamnGoodMask #wearADamnRespirator
#BringBackMasks #bringbackmaskmandates #WearAMask #WearAMaskPlease #maskupn95 #maskup #weararespiraror #n95 #P100 #covidisntover #covid #covidisairbourne #COVIDisAirborne #BetterMasks #CovidIsNotOver #wearadamngoodmask #wearadamnrespirator
One of the most frustrating things, re: covid & returning to post-secondary education, is the way teens and young adults have been mostly left to fend for themselves since the government and the school have decided that public health is a personal choice.
Sending out emails with *BOLD* text to “strongly recommend” masking is never going to cut it. We’re talking about a group of young people who will calculate how many days of classes they can skip and still do the exam.
"The US is certainly still in the middle of a pandemic"
"As a public health official, I don’t want to see anyone suffer and die from Covid... I don’t care if you’re a far-right Republican or a far-left Democrat, everybody deserves to have the safety of good public health and that’s not happening."
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Sunday, November 27th, 2022.
#Covid #CovidIsAirbourne #CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #LongCovid #Sars2 #sarscov2
#covid #covidisairbourne #CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #LongCOVID #SARS2 #sarscov2
Not in my 4 decades, have I EVER heard anyone speak of their child having Scarlet Fever. Community health privilege meant itwas one of those ‘Ye Olde Times’ illnesses, something you’d only read about in classics like Beth from Little Women. I just saw someone post a picture of their child and the accompanying medical certificate for Scarlet Fever. What the F!! are we doing to our children! #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirbourne #ImmunityTheft #ReduceTransmission
#CovidIsNotOver #covidisairbourne #ImmunityTheft #reducetransmission