1 March 2023. The Editor in Chief of The Harvard Health Letter has something to say and it's not good.
"When the pandemic started in early 2020, doctors didn't know much yet about COVID and did not think it affected the brain. Boy, were we wrong!"
#COVIDisAirborne #covidisnotovet #covidisexceptional
"This damage could be costing children and adults decades of their lives and reducing the quality of life at a much earlier age"
"The key point for children is that the thymus makes the naive T cells that serve as the reservoir or foundation for the body to replicate for the rest of adulthood. If the virus infiltrates the thymus without antibodies to stop it, the damage could limit the number of naive T-cells. The naive T-cell pool could be smaller, resulting in poorer health earlier in life and a shorter life span.
COVID has been shown to infect and potentially damage the thymus. We will go over this in more detail below. This can happen with other viruses, but COVID is different because it is very contagious, changes very quickly because it is spread so widely, and infects children over and over again in short amounts of time. That means that children have less time to recover function of the thymus and make the naive T-cells they need prior to puberty.
Damage to the thymus at any age is equivalent to subtracting years from our lives, but for younger children, this damage could be costing them decades of their lives and reducing their quality of life in their 30s, 40s, or 50s instead of their 60s, 70s, or 80s."
#covidisexceptional #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #cleanairbrigade
I'm sorry this isn't better news but people need access to knowledge these days since it can be hard to hear it from those normally responsible for it.
Scientific American 22 February 2023
"Fortunately, vaccination mitigates many of these risks. A study published in the February 11 issue of the Lancet found that vaccinated pregnant women were are at lower risk of severe COVID, ICU admission and death than unvaccinated pregnant women. And if they received a booster shot, the risk was even lower."
“Because pregnant women are generally young and fit and healthy, they don’t consider themselves to be at a high risk,” says the Lancet study’s senior author Aris Papageorghiou, a professor of fetal medicine and director of research at the Oxford Maternal & Perinatal Health Institute. “But the truth of the matter is that when you are pregnant, you are at higher risk from COVID infection.”
#covidisexceptional #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
This was an interesting piece of research.
"SARS-CoV-2 as a vascular disease
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic we have known that SARS-CoV-2 infection can impact a very important part of our circulatory system called the endothelium, a single layer of cells that line our blood vessels that serves as a barrier between the blood in our system and the tough outer structure of the vessel. Despite being incredibly thin, this layer of cells plays a crucial role in promoting the interactions between different components of circulating blood, like platelet aggregation and blood fluidity. "
There is a lot in this article to digest but worth reading.
#covidisexceptional #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCovid
Pretty damming information. The information for Karen Middletons' article came from FOI requests.
"The report also warned that Australia could face a “catastrophic” new Covid-19 variant, which may render vaccines ineffective; that contradictory health advice to government is undermining confidence in vaccines; and that advisory structures need an overhaul to be ready for another emergency."
Found this comment interesting:
"The less redacted version of Halton’s report was provided to The Saturday Paper on Tuesday evening this week. On Wednesday morning, Butler announced that Australians were now eligible for a fifth shot, provided they had not had either a Covid vaccine or the virus itself in the previous six months. Those doses will be available from February 20."
No pay wall.
#covidisexceptional #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
@ct_bergstrom I'll see what I can do later today to revive it on Twitter.
Thanks for reminding me about it. Even today with what we know about covid, slowing down the spread using public health measures that work (ie: masking, testing, isolating and monitoring for clean air), that bump can be lowered so the impact on HCW and others is reduced and the area under the curve reduces which will reduce the number of lives getting damaged or die from covid.
We have no excuse for the piling deaths and infection rate apart from the lack of leadership and the stupidity and greed of humankind.
Please mask up and think about how your you interact with others to help reduce the spread and impact.
#CovidIsNotOver #covidisexceptional #COVIDisAirborne
Another sensible, easy to understand discussion on the need for boosters and the types available.
#covidisexceptional #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
Well put together inverview looking at a Cedars Sinai Sept 2022 study. Age group 25 to 44 saw a 29.9% relative increase in heart attack deaths in the first 2 years of the pandemic.
These are SIGNIFICANT results. Covid is not the flu. As Prof Brendan Crabb has said 'It is EXCEPTIONAL'.
It affects the vascular system which directly affects the rest of your organs and systems.
Make sure you watch the video and boost this post so people can see what is in store if we continue to let covid rip.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covidisexceptional
RT @SMpwrgr@twitter.com
Who is aware that Covid transmission has happened between an organ donor and recipient? 😳
Also HCW collateral damage - the thoracic surgeon working on the transplant surgery also infected 😬
We keep saying #CovidisExceptional https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33565705/
RT @NYCAntipodean@twitter.com
I am #leftbehindbylabor. At risk of severe outcome from Covid but effectively unvaccinated and without quick, easy access to PCR & antivirals. @AlboMP@twitter.com @AustralianLabor@twitter.com @ChrisMinnsMP@twitter.com @johaylen@twitter.com
#Iamnotsafe while the community is not safe #covidisexceptional
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NYCAntipodean/status/1604769376015511554
#leftbehindbylabor #iamnotsafe #covidisexceptional
RT @frilly_edges@twitter.com
8500 deaths since Albanese became PM but Labor have abandoned public health measures. Vaccines waning for those who got 4th jab more than 6 months ago, kids under 5 still not vaccinated. 500,000+ with Long Covid.
What a disaster
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/frilly_edges/status/1604786353996435457
#leftbehindbylabor #covidisexceptional