Just heard on radio news- shortage of pain relief medicines is blamed on the lockdowns and panic buying back then. 🤔 surely it couldn’t be that a lot of people are sick with Covid RSV or strep! No.. or China are in a huge wave right now and limited stock. What will they blame the antibiotic shortage on then! No trust in any of them for truth.. #MediaFailingUs #CovidIsFarFromOver
#mediafailingus #covidisfarfromover
Absolutely insane. People that have been waiting months for their appointments to a #LongCovid clinic are now receiving calls that their appointments are cancelled because the clinics are closing.
What are we doing?
#CovidIsFarFromOver #CovidIsNotOver #Covid19_AU
#LongCovid #covidisfarfromover #CovidIsNotOver #covid19_au
Yesterday, 5 cars were stuck at Blue Mountains Hospital. This sort of bed block leaves communities in the mountains so vulnerable. Cars having to come up from Penrith and, more and more frequently, down from Lithgow, to cover work.
#Covid19_AU #COVIDIsNotOver #CovidIsFarFromOver #IShareYourAir #WearAMask #COVID_NSW
#covid19_au #CovidIsNotOver #covidisfarfromover #ishareyourair #WearAMask #covid_nsw
@gerardstone @l_matlab it’s been almost 5 months since I had Covid and I’m still unable to return to work. I don’t know when I will be able. I was already on reduced hours due to existing disability.
I’m really glad your friend has finally been able to return to work, even if in a reduced capacity. I hope they’re able to ultimately build back up to their pre Covid hours.
#CovidIsFarFromOver #LongCovidIsReal #CovidIsNotJustARespiratoryIllness
#covidisfarfromover #longcovidisreal #covidisnotjustarespiratoryillness