Are you authentically Canadian?
In order to be a viable member of Canadian society you must embody a state-approved identity.
You can learn about which ones are available through the state's official broadcaster of propaganda, the CBC.
By @stronglogicp
Did you come pre-approved?
#cbc #stateApproval #divineState #covidism #totalitarianism #authoritarianism #billC11 #censorship #inclusion
#inclusion #censorship #BillC11 #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #covidism #divinestate #stateapproval #cbc
ed to your forehead.
By @stronglogicp
Don't be the person who benefits from Nazi Flags. Stand for truth, and find out who carried that flag.
#covidism #POEC #PublicOrderEmergencyCommission #EmergenciesActInquiry #Totalitarianism #Authoritarianism #BlackFaceFriday
#blackfacefriday #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #emergenciesactinquiry #publicorderemergencycommission #POEC #covidism
we still have some holdouts.
He isn't trying to compose a nuanced description of the wide range of reasons as to why someone would refuse. He's putting the pressure on the holdouts, by making the landscape more toxic for them.
And good on him. Let the world see him for what he is.
By @stronglogicp
A politician's expertise is designing statements for particular outcomes
#Authoritarianism #covidism #trudeau #trudeauLies #POEC #POECommission #EmergenciesActInquiry #canpoli #
#canpoli #emergenciesactinquiry #poecommission #POEC #trudeaulies #trudeau #covidism #authoritarianism
Never again
It has evolved to plain, vanilla, generic fear-mongering, now.
I said from the beginning, if you do this it will soon be for any threat of illness as it neuroticizes the fabric of society and incentivizes the most manipulative among us.
By @stronglogicp
Act like you own your body
#covidism #totalitarianism #authoritarianism #masking #respiratoryDisease #immortality #neuroticism #disgustSensitivity #rightToBody
#righttobody #disgustsensitivity #neuroticism #immortality #respiratoryDisease #masking #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #covidism
atest form of hate, which rejects the perceptual frame of each being.
Ultimately, there is no collective being, and what one is practicing is selfish navel-gazing with the comfort that the superstructure will wield the force necessary to impose it on non-believers.
It is a religion.
By @stronglogicp
Being is the only authentic identity
#collectivism #hegel #marx #covidism #publicHealth #divineIdea
#divineIdea #publichealth #covidism #marx #hegel #collectivism
n aspect of forward progression and change which could be declared as accepting that one can incur the consequences of reality with an expectation that one will be able to handle them and frame reality and existence as something which is preferable to the absence of it. No regret about being, as opposed to no regret about rejecting being.
By @stronglogicp
So which ideas are you going to be closed to?
#covidism #transhumanism #transideology #queerTheory #neoMarxism #Marxism #
#marxism #neomarxism #queertheory #transideology #transhumanism #covidism
Shouldn't everyone be in your collective?
What do you mean when you claim to believe there is a collective?
a) There is a magical, invisible connection which exists exclusively between beings because of some set of attributes
b) There is a structure which symbolizes a collective that can serve to help you transcend
By @stronglogicp
Do you have a secret handshake to find out whether someone is truly part of the collective?
#covidism #marxism #authoritarianism #collectivism
n that of whomsoever you are exploiting.
Given that any prospect for humanity's emancipation rests on the ability to negate labour as a means of survival, you are standing in the way!
by @stronglogicp
Find the ideals to understand the ideology
#Marxism #Ideology #Covidism #Collectivism #Emanicipation #LiberatedHumanity #CollectivismIsSubjectivistGnosticism #CollectivismIsTheFall
#CollectivismIsTheFall #CollectivismIsSubjectivistGnosticism #LiberatedHumanity #Emanicipation #collectivism #covidism #ideology #marxism
ed with saving lives, then why wouldn't you aim to make lockdowns permanent?
The truth is that, even if they knew the net effect was not in their favour, they would still believe it effective because it is a strategy to enforce compliance, thus the effectiveness is evaluated in terms of a meta-effectiveness towards any future threat which MIGHT be appropriate.
By @stronglogicp
Collectivist ideologies are ideologies of the self
#lockdowns #totalitarianism #covidism #authorit
#authorit #covidism #totalitarianism #lockdowns
Step right up, folks!
How many doses is it safe to inject at once?
It would obviously be as many doses as can be injected, no?
And when disregarding their intended use, they reduce mortality from all other causes. It's like magic.
By @stronglogicp
Have you signed up for immortality?
#covidism #moderna #thirtyMillionDoses #stakeholderCapitalism #collectivism #superNationalFascism #newBillionaires
#newBillionaires #superNationalFascism #collectivism #StakeholderCapitalism #thirtyMillionDoses #moderna #covidism
he greatest form of hate, which rejects the perceptual frame of each being.
Ultimately, there is no collective being, and what one is practicing is selfish navel-gazing with the comfort that the superstructure will wield the force necessary to impose it on non-believers.
It is a religion.
By @stronglogicp
You don't have to participate in the fantasies of megalomaniacs
#covidism #esg #hegel #woke #wokeism #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #humanRights #freedom
#freedom #humanrights #totalitarianism #authoritarianism #wokeism #woke #hegel #ESG #covidism
e conversion therapy of failing to transition to a freshly discovered gender)
By @stronglogicp
You will love to obey.
#Ottawa #CanadaDay #Totalitarianism #Authoritarianism #Collectivism #Covidism #TrudeauEternalLeader #Fascism #Communism #NeoCommunism
#NeoCommunism #communism #fascism #TrudeauEternalLeader #covidism #collectivism #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #canadaday #ottawa
ormed, or discarded. Perhaps even millions of us.
By @stronglogicp
The good is always the subject themselves.
#collectivism #covidism #criticaltheory #marxism #communism #totalitarianism #authoritarianism #dialectic
#dialectic #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #communism #marxism #criticaltheory #covidism #collectivism