Cavyherd · @cavyherd
221 followers · 2994 posts · Server


Weirdly enough, I don't know anybody in person that's been hard hit. (But then, I isolate pretty aggressively.)

Know bunches of peopel online, though.

And I wouldn't be the least tiny bit surprised if covid blows your risk assessment & executive function.

#covidisnotmild #CovidIsNotOver

Last updated 1 year ago

KiwiNikki · @KiwiNikki
520 followers · 1913 posts · Server

@stephen some of the research I’ve read shows that covid wipes out the good gut bacteria so it’s important replenish daily. And seeing as though ~50% have asymptomatic covid, I’m treating myself like I’ve had covid without knowing it - I’ve never tested positive. And I’m doing all the things that do no harm and probably will turn out to be beneficial in the long run.

#CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild

Last updated 1 year ago

KiwiNikki · @KiwiNikki
515 followers · 1864 posts · Server

I don’t get it. Covid causes brain atrophy. Amongst other things. Why would I want my health care worker to be more likely to make mistakes in my care, and have ‘brain fog’. I’d like my HCW thoughtful, and careful.
And masked.

#CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
942 followers · 557 posts · Server

August 3, 2023. Good morning! Have a day in the office today, so early start, have to head in shortly. Just a reminder that we're still dealing with this stupid pandemic, and the pandemic isn't a "mild" virus, it's highly infectious and damaging. Stay safe, you're loved. ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #peace #love #canada

Last updated 1 year ago

Moby MicroDick · @Moby_MicroDick
140 followers · 228 posts · Server

En Grande-Bretagne l'organisme du don du sang informe que les personnes ne sont pas éligibles à être donneuses. Ça alors, d'un seul coup le ne serait plus "juste" psychosomatique, comme on accuse lamentablement les personnes atteintes depuis plus de 3 ans ?! 😒
Serait-ce donc une maladie sérieuse vasculaire, comme je le conçois depuis 2 ans et demi ? 🤔

#longcovid #COVIDIsVascular #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #LongCovidKids #MassDisablingEvent

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
906 followers · 449 posts · Server

They need to rename the virus that causes Covid.

The current name - SARS-CoV2 is wrong, and inaccurate by a glaring factor, it's short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Coronavirus 2, implies it's a respiratory virus (as in, it only infects your respiratory system). Sadly, that's not accurate.

The name should be Ab-SAVIS-CoV2

Airborne Severe Acute Vascular & Immune Syndrome - Coronavirus 2.

As much as the respiratory symptoms are the most noticeable, they're also the least dangerous. A heart infection can kill you, but you'll feel no pain before it does. A brain infection can affect your memory, your comprehension, your vision, your sense of smell, sense of taste, and leave you exhausted constantly. A liver infection can give you symptoms that mirror hepatitis. A blood infection can give you the same symptoms as leukemia. It attacks your immune system, reducing your immunity to itself and other infections, be they viral, bacterial, or fungal - It goes on and on, because as a vascular virus, it can, and does, infect and affect every organ in your body.

It's an everything virus, and catching it infers no immunity to it.

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild

Last updated 1 year ago

Ultrogotha · @rlapotre
87 followers · 2557 posts · Server

RT @MrsSwannH
The mystery of a mysterious high rate of mysterious flu… Well, it’s certainly






But hey… don’t you ever dare mention it again! 🤫🤐

#CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp #ProtectTheKids #cleanairnow

Last updated 2 years ago

@ pip @ zeroes . ca · @pip
206 followers · 404 posts · Server

About 70 per cent of people in Hong Kong infected with the coronavirus had at least one symptom of long Covid five months after they became ill... A total of 38 per cent reported a variety of symptoms, including poor memory, difficulty in concentrating, insomnia, anxiety, bad moods, reduced motivation and changes in their sleeping patterns.

Symptoms lasted for more than three years in some patients.

#CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #covidisongoing #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 2 years ago

Waldläuferin · @Waldlaeuferin
2475 followers · 7313 posts · Server
Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
892 followers · 555 posts · Server

Why is the world silent on SARS-CoV2-19?
It isn’t really, but the media and health agencies are. What do we know?

1. This is an airborne virus that lingers for hours in the air. Improving air circulation with proper filtering can help this.

2. This is a vascular virus, meaning the cardio-vascular system of your body. Because the cardio-vascular system touches every part of your body, and this virus can infect ANY part of your body, it means it can infect everything. It can infect your blood, your skin, your brain, your lungs, your liver, your kidneys.

3. Damage caused by this virus is cumulative, and the cumulative damage it causes can lead to long term health issues, varying depending on what was infected, referred to as Long Covid.

4. Covid has been shown to impact and damage your immune system, making people infected more vulnerable to not just Covid reinfections, but any other virus that your immune system normally protects you from. A cold or flu after Covid infections will be worse than prior to the infection, as your body loses capacity to fight those infections.
5. Because of all this, the more infections you fight off, the more likely you end up being immunocompromised, and potentially disabled to some degree. Covid is a virus that can kill you but is much more likely to give you a lifelong disability. Instances of other diseases also rise with Covid infections – people who’ve had Covid are more likely to be diagnosed with heart conditions, brain conditions, diabetes, and high levels of blood clots in your system that can hamper organ function, even cause heart attacks and strokes.

6. The risk of long-term symptoms and disability is high and increases with each infection. Suggestions from doctors and scientists who’ve been studying this suggest as high as 10% (1 in 10) on a first infection, which that rising with each subsequent infection. (depending on where you look, the first infection number will vary, but regardless appears to be significant enough to warrant concern, especially with subsequent infections.)

Note that while guidance on these things may change over time, and as more and more people are infected, we’ll have a much better understanding of percentages and odds, this is all well known and clear. We know that mask wearing (Quality N95 or better respirators), proper air circulation and filtration reduce the chances of transmission, and vaccination reduces the chances of death or disability. Also note that reduces does not mean eliminates. The smart way to deal with Covid-19 is to avoid infection, as even a single infection is likely to be life altering, More so than a previous infection, with each infection increasing the likelihood more than the last.

Another worthwhile consideration is the rate of mutation. Coronaviruses are well known for rapid, massive mutation – there are thousands of variants running around that we know about. Some are less deadly/disabling, some are more so, some are less transmissible, and some much more than others, and some are less affected by vaccine protections. We’re currently in a situation where without proper precautions and mitigation, we’re going to see a gradual economic downward trend, since the number of people who can’t contribute to the workforce is growing, and with them, the number of people who participate in the economy shrinking. This is a trend that will continue for as long as we continue to ignore the dangers.

At some point we may find a sterilizing vaccine, proper prevention, but until we do, this is going to remain a pandemic – one that has killed countless people. In the US alone, officially Covid 19 has killed more people than wars. Not A war, all wars, foreign and civil.

If we want to save the economy, we must save people. Little known fact, people ARE the economy. The more people we have that are healthy, working, and participating in the economy, the stronger the economy.

#COVID19 #LongCovid #infectiousdisease #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #staysafe

Last updated 2 years ago

ClaudetteK · @ClaudetteK
232 followers · 3484 posts · Server

Over a month after my second bout with COVID and my upper airways are perpetually inflamed. Without my puffer breathing feels painful.

#covidisnotmild #covidisnocold

Last updated 2 years ago

Covid is not a “single issue” 5

Car maintenance - unsafe

Isolation: not only detrimental to FOURTH YEAR IN, but increasingly expensive

Traffic stops = unsafe

School events/gatherings = unsafe

contributed to 25% of maternal deaths in 2020 and 2021.

#mentalhealth #covid19 #sarscov2 #covidisairborne #covidisvascular #covidisnotmild #covidisntover

Last updated 2 years ago

Covid is not a “single issue” 4

Your beloved can catch/die from

Public transit folks NEED to live/work = unsafe

Air travel = unsafe

Access to necessities (food, groceries, DMV, voting, education, post, doctors, vet) = unsafe

Home repairs/maintenance = unsafe

#pets #covid19 #sarscov2 #covidisairborne #covidisvascular #covidisnotmild #covidisntover

Last updated 2 years ago

Covid is not a “single issue” 3

causes damage, leading to ⬆️ dementia, attention issues, human errors - there has been a record increase in traffic fatalities


of vulnerable people ⬆️

Accessibility in ⬇️

#covid #brain #suddendeaths #bullying #harassment #assault #healthcare #sarscov2 #covidisairborne #covid19 #covidisvascular #covidisnotmild #covidisntover

Last updated 2 years ago

Covid is not a “single issue” 2

4 million workers are out of workforce from

are unsafe for EVERYONE who needs them

Opportunistic infections ⬆️ due to damage

Many folks are into year 4 of isolation

are even more unsafe

#longcovid #hospitals #immune #vulnerable #schools #sarscov2 #covidisairborne #covid19 #covidisvascular #covidisnotmild #covidisntover

Last updated 2 years ago

Covid is not a “single issue” 1

Every 4 Covid deaths = 1 US child loses a parent/caregiver

Healthcare staff shortages risk ALL patient lives

MILLIONS of newly disabled folks are entering a system that was already failing to meet needs

Life expectancy ⬇️

Domestic violence ⬆️

#sarscov2 #covidisairborne #covid19 #covidisvascular #covidisnotmild #covidisntover

Last updated 2 years ago

It's year four of the pandemic, so I don't think it's premature or selfish to ask just how long vulnerable folks should be expected to tolerate being second class citizens told to "JUST STAY HOME!" deprived of the very things abled folks were willing to literally kill us for...

#sarscov2 #covidisairborne #covid19 #covidisvascular #covidisnotmild #covidisntover

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
887 followers · 611 posts · Server

March 15, 2023. Almost 1/4 of the way through 2023, why have we not heard the media admitting Covid is an AIRBORNE VASCULAR DISEASE THAT'S WORSE NOW THAN ITS EVER BEEN? It wouldn't be if we were still being cautious, letting it run wild is disabling people. Stay safe.☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #peace #love #canada #staysafe

Last updated 2 years ago