#CovidIsntGoingAway Although the Covid emergency is ending, please understand the impact it is still having on the population at-large. Many around us remain vulnerable even if you are “ready to move on.”
Fuck around and find out!
#science #covidiots #CovidIsntGoingAway #CovidIsNotOver #covidvaccine #vaccinate #conservatives #republican #gqp #gop #GQPTraitorsToDemocracy #gopscum
#science #COVIDIOTS #covidisntgoingaway #CovidIsNotOver #covidvaccine #vaccinate #conservatives #republican #GQP #gop #gqptraitorstodemocracy #gopscum
I’m reviving my Substack, which I had let go dormant. If I feel like I have things to say I should just say them. #CovidIsntGoingAway https://open.substack.com/pub/kevinlarose/p/its-never-going-away-is-it?r=5jw1z&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post