Are kids somehow magically protected from COVID-19?
Were school closures a mistake?
Did they cause learning loss and mental health issues?
No, says Mehdi Hasan on MSNBC and debunks the dangerous myths about children and COVID.
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CoronaVirus #LongCOVID #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #MaskUp #DontGetInfected #COVIDIsNotOver #COVIDKills
#covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #coronavirus #LongCovid #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #MaskUp #dontgetinfected #CovidIsNotOver #covidkills
“As U.S. COVID hospitalizations rise, some places are bringing mask mandates back”
From npr:
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CoronaVirus #LongCOVID #PSA #FAQ #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #MaskUp #DontGetInfected #COVIDIsNotOver #COVIDKills
#covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #coronavirus #LongCovid #psa #faq #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #MaskUp #dontgetinfected #CovidIsNotOver #covidkills
“COVID Omicron carries 4 times the risk of death as flu, new data show,” the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota found.
Also, “COVID markers continue rise in the US and globally”
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CoronaVirus #LongCOVID #PSA #FAQ #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #MaskUp #DontGetInfected #COVIDKills
#covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #coronavirus #LongCovid #psa #faq #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #MaskUp #dontgetinfected #covidkills
@geos This is horrible news. Condolences ❤
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #BringBackMaskMandates #CovidKills
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #bringbackmaskmandates #covidkills
They may not admit to having Long COVID, but every #COVIDCareless person has immune damage + other organ damage.
And just like bullets, more infections is more damage.
#covidcareless #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covidkills
Had 6th #covid shot on Thursday - no longer available at local #pharmacies in my area #internist only #StaySafe #moderna #maskup #wearamask #immunocompromised #healthcare #besafe #CovidisReal #CovidKills
#covid #pharmacies #internist #staysafe #moderna #MaskUp #WearAMask #ImmunoCompromised #healthcare #besafe #covidisreal #covidkills
@maosbot Mind boggling. Easter will usher in a huge influx of hospitalizations and deaths. #CovidKills
Extremely upsetting. I supported Simone via Patreon when she had her brain tumor and so now I'm helping Dianna though her Long Covid case.
Extremely upsetting. I supported Simone via Patreon when she had her brain tumor and so now I'm helping Dianna though her Long Covid case.
Who do you trust more ?
Google or the government?
I'm uncomfortable with my answer to this.
(cc other mes)
Echte #Covidioten können leider nicht lesen. #LesenBildet
Die Studie sagt klar, dass ihrem eigenen Resultat nicht zu trauen ist: Confidence Intervall Low-Medium.
Ist ja auch logisch. Wer etwas von Mechanik und Elektrostatik versteht, dem ist das klar.
#Covidioten #lesenbildet #MasksWork #covidkills
Dear prime minister
How do you claw back protections against covid & still save your job?
Here's how
1 Ensure Labor wins in NSW. Getting rid of Perottet & his crazy band of LetItRips is critical
2 Announce you'll call for mandated mask wearing at critical times to protect the health system
3 Provide unfettered PCR testing again. Data is everything, for the public, the scientists & the vulnerable
4 Insist on masks at health care facilities.
Simple stuff
#CovidIsntOver #covidkills #LongCovid
@positronrelay @0CynicalBastard
That's because most people are naturally stupid! They comply with regulations for a bit and once they have enough they go berserk and do crazy shit!
I'm immuno compromised, completed my vaccine and booster and avoided covid until middle of last year when health protocols were lifted. I still wear N95 but somehow the damn thing got to our home and downed me for 15 days ... yes, 15 gruelling days! COVID IS NOT A COLD!!!
#covidkills #longcovid #covidisntover
Haben wir nicht die ganze Zeit genau das gesagt?
#Covid19 resultiert in einer permanenten #Imunschwäche!
Hallo #AirborneAIDS!
#COVID19 #imunschwache #airborneaids #justsaying #covidkills
That nearly 400 Australians died from the greed and stupidity of our governments and 'health' advocates, is abysmal and is deserving of deep shame and embarrassment.
That regular Australians have been led to believe that by disregarding logic, they are not culpable for deaths and disability is also appalling.
We are living in demented times
It's the 20th of January.
So far since 31 December, there have been the following covid deaths reported:
412 Victorians
320 New South Welsh
169 Queenslanders
69 South Australians
39 West Australians (this week not available yet)
16 Tasmanians
10 ACTers
3 NTers
A total of 1038 for less than one month.
We need protections.
#CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #covidkills
#SoTrue #CovidKills
RT @arkoliest
Davos: Tests, Isolation, Luftfilter, UV Strahler, teilweise Masken.
Dem Volk wird erklärt: Alles mild!
Jetzt dürfte klar sein: Es ist definitiv nicht Unwissen. Sie wissen, wie Schutz ginge. Eliten schützen sich, während das Volk wieder und wieder brutal durchseucht wird. Kotze.
Major causes of death have dedicated days of commemoration & fundraisers. Cancer has Daffodil Day, Relay for Life & The Biggest Morning Tea; breast cancer has Pink Ribbon Day, cricket matches etc. Men’s health gets an entire month for Movember. But Covid, the 3rd leading cause of death in Australia…ZERO! #CovidKills #CovidIsNotOver #ReduceTransmission #IsolateFor10
#covidkills #CovidIsNotOver #reducetransmission #isolatefor10
@barevalley nice that you have got choices. I get that lockdowns are no longer needed due to vaccinations but masks are needed. But hey, if you want to get long covid, breathe it in. Those of us with #ChronicIllness will continue to die of covid and who knows, people you know and love might too. #CovidIgnorance #COVIDKills
#chronicillness #covidignorance #covidkills
Wow, wie krank ist so eine Aussage?
#IdiotAtWork #CovidKills #ProtectTheKids
RT @RWMaloneMD
I see little kids at the airport with masks on & all I can think is that it is a form of child abuse. That this must be a daily way of life for these tots. And I know, deep in my soul how wrong masking kids is & that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. My heart breaks
#idiotatwork #covidkills #ProtectTheKids